Posts tagged LMRA.
Time 6 Minute Read

Last week, the National Labor Relations Board (“Board” or “NLRB”) decided that an employer no longer can unilaterally stop union dues deductions from employee pay pursuant to a dues-checkoff clause once a collective-bargaining agreement (“CBA”) expires absent a lawful impasse during negotiations for a successor agreement. Valley Hosp. Med. Ctr., Inc., 371 NLRB No. 160 (2022) (“Valley Hosp. II”). The decision marks another reversal of Board precedent in favor of unions by the Biden NLRB. (We discussed a prior reversal, which concerned employee appearance policies here.)

Time 1 Minute Read

Section 302 of the Labor Management Relations Act (LMRA) is, and always has been, an odd law. Its bare terms — which make it unlawful for an employer to “pay, lend or deliver” money or any “other thing of value” to a labor union or official, or for a union to “request, demand, receive or accept” the same from an employer — can be read expansively. Its most commonly cited proscriptions carry nothing more than a general intent requirement, suggesting that one can violate its provisions inadvertently.

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Time 4 Minute Read

Last month, the Eleventh Circuit issued an important ruling in favor of an employee who is accusing his employer and UNITE HERE of violating the Labor Management Relations Act ("LMRA") by entering into an organizing rights agreement that includes employer neutrality and employee access features.  In Mulhall v. UNITE HERE Local 355, No. 11-10594 (11th Cir. January 18, 2012), the Court reversed a lower court decision dismissing Mulhall's lawsuit.  That court had held that Section 302 of the LMRA, which forbids employers from "pay[ing], lend[ing] or deliver[ing]" money or any other "thing of value" to a labor organization, could not be construed to outlaw voluntary agreements between employers and unions that set conditions for union organizing campaigns.

Time 5 Minute Read

The Eleventh Circuit recently ruled that an employee had standing to seek an injunction against his employer and a labor union over alleged violations of the Labor Management Relations Act (“LMRA”) in the union organizing context.  In Mulhall v. UNITE HERE Local 355, Hollywood Greyhound Track, Inc., d.b.a. Mardi Gras Gaming, (No. 09-12683, September 10, 2010), the Eleventh Circuit reversed the lower court’s dismissal of the case, overruling its decision that the employee lacked a cognizable injury, and remanded the case for further proceedings.


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