Posts tagged Mark Pearce.
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The NLRB's General Counsel, Ron Meisburg, recently announced his anticipated resignation, effective June 20, 2010.  Meisburg's departure now frees President Obama to appoint Meisburg’s successor.  While a number of names as replacement GC have surfaced, no clear front runner has emerged.

Time 6 Minute Read

In a move sure to draw fire from Republican lawmakers and segments of the business community, President Obama on Saturday issued recess appointments to place controversial candidates on the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”).  Presidents have constitutional authority to fill vacancies without the advice and consent of the Senate when Congress is in recess, as it is now.

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National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Nominee Craig Becker needed 60 Senate votes to overcome the Republican-led filibuster blocking his confirmation, but he only received 52 votes on Tuesday. Two Democrats, Sen. Blanche Lincoln (Ark.) and Ben Nelson (Neb.), went against their party to vote him down in the cloture vote, which failed 52-33.


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