An Insider’s Perspective: Understanding the Inflation Reduction Act and How to Capitalize on Clean Energy Incentives

September 19, 2023

Please join us for a webinar:

An Insider’s Perspective: Understanding the Inflation Reduction Act and How to Capitalize on Clean Energy Incentives

Tuesday, September 19, 2023
12:30pm–1:30pm ET

Join us for an insider’s look at how the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) creates significant opportunities for organizations to tap into tax credits for their clean energy investments. One of the first publicly announced deals will help fund a $1.5 billion wind-energy transaction, that officials hope will spur tens of billions of dollars in climate financing. See recent article in The Wall Street Journal: New Tax-Credit Market Aims to Funnel Billions to Clean Energy.

In this webinar, you will hear from Hunton Andrews Kurth partner Laura Jones who has over 25 years of experience assisting clients navigate the tax code, including advising clients on transactions involving tax incentives such as the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) and Production Tax Credit (PTC) for the development, financing, purchase and sale of renewable energy projects. Ms. Jones is a frequent speaker on energy tax credits, including speaking at Nareit’s REITwise conference and the Solar Energy Industries Association’s (SEIA) Finance, Tax & Buyer seminar.

The panel will also include Tim Jacobs who has coordinated comments from all of the major banks on key IRA issues through major stakeholders and clean energy organizations and has spoken on their behalf at both Treasury and the White House. Mr. Jacobs is a frequent speaker on this topic, including presenting at the Hydrogen Hubs 2023 conference and a recent webinar for the U.S. Energy Association.

Participants will learn:

  • What credits are available under the IRA;
  • How tax exempts can benefit from the credits;
  • How certain credits can be bought and sold between taxpayers;
  • How organizations must register to take advantage of certain benefits;
  • Financing mechanisms and different roles to be played by financial institutions;
  • Key takeaways from current IRS guidance and marketplace reactions; and
  • Future outlook for IRS guidance and stakeholder participation in credit programs.

Questions? Please contact Julia Sherertz at

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP will seek CLE credit for this program in CA, FL, GA, NC, NY, TX and VA. Credit hours are not guaranteed and are subject to each state’s approval rules.

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