Cross-Border Structuring Opportunities in Latin America

May 29, 2014

Focus on Latin America Webinar Series

Join us for the next seminar in our series:

Cross-Border Structuring Opportunities in Latin America

Tax Efficient & Legal Solutions with Special Focus on Spain

Thursday, May 29th

10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. EST

CLE credit pending in New York and Florida.

Topics Include:

—Update on US-Spain bilateral treaty amendment prospects and brief summary re US real estate investment structures from Spain

— Investing in specialized Spanish investment activities— debt and equity assets and Spanish real estate

— Using Spain for US and LatAm M&A

— International arbitration aspects of either investing in Spain or via Spain into LatAm

B. Cary Tolley, III

Partner, Taxation

Hunton & Williams LLP

Jaime Pereda Espeso

Partner, Corporate / New York Office

Uría Menéndez

Ferran Escayola

Partner, Corporate / Co-Chair of US-Desk

Garrigues LLP

Jay Range and

Gustavo J. Membiela

Partners, International Arbitration

Hunton & Williams LLP

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