Ethics Jeopardy CLE Program

October 28, 2015

Please join us for an Ethics CLE Program*

Ethics Jeopardy

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

4:00-6:00 pm

Hunton & Williams LLP

Riverfront Plaza, East Tower

20th Floor

951 East Byrd Street

Richmond, VA 23219


Kelly Faglioni, Partner, Hunton & Williams, LLP

In this “Jeopardy”-style two-hour ethics program, the answers will be forthcoming, but what are the questions? Your categories will include:

  • Acca Ethics – Making Your “Pitch Perfect:" Avoid an ethics “acca”tasrophe when a lawyer makes a “pitch.” You too can “crush it!"
  • Hannibal Ethics – Silence of the Lawyers: Wake up in the dark and hear the screaming of the clients when lawyers fail to adhere to their confidentiality obligations.
  • Ethics Chopped: Who will be chopped when lawyers heed their obligations to report, supervise, and withdraw?
  • Ethics Identity: Chase down client “identity” to attain “supremacy” over many ethics issues that depend on client identity, and avoid an unpleasant “ultimatum” -- your “legacy” is at stake!
  • Ethics Potpourri: Address some miscellaneous questions that recur but are not cleverly linked by a common theme!

A networking reception will immediately follow the program in Richmond.

*Hunton & Williams LLP will seek CLE credit for this program in CA, FL, GA, NC, NY, TX and VA.

Credit hours are not guaranteed and are subject to each state’s approval rules.


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