Hunton Insurance Lawyers to Speak at the ABA’s 2018 Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee CLE Seminar

February 28-March 3, 2018

Hunton & Williams LLP is proud to announce that four members of its Insurance Coverage Practice are speaking this week at one of the premier events in the country for insurance coverage lawyers, the 2018 Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee CLE Seminar hosted by the American Bar Association.  This year the ICLC is celebrating its 30th anniversary meeting at the Loew’s Ventana Canyon in Tucson. The firm also congratulates partners Walter Andrews and Lorie Masters for their roles as Chairs of the Committee. 

Our lawyers are speaking on the following topics:

  • Lorie Masters, moderating a plenary session entitled “The Restatement of the Law, Liability Insurance:  Is the Sky Falling?” on March 1st
  • Andrea DeField, moderating a plenary session entitled “Harvey, Irma, and Maria - Coverage and Litigation Issues Presented by Catastrophic Hurricanes” on March 1st.
  • Michael Levine, moderating a panel on “Managing Risk Through Contractual Risk Transfer” on March 2nd.
  • Walter Andrews, speaking on a plenary panel on “Insurance Coverage Litigation: 30 Years of Lessons Learned” on March 2nd.


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