Hunton & Williams LLP's Los Angeles Office Hosts Seminar on AB32 Developments

June 17, 2008

On Tuesday, June 17, 2008, the firm's Los Angeles office organized and hosted the seminar "AB32 Takes Shape." The seminar was a tremendous success (nearly 100 people participated) and included attendees from various sectors of the economy, interested in getting a sense of empowerment to help their businesses cope with, and locate opportunities in coming climate change mandates.

The seminar featured recent and ongoing developments in AB32 implementation; as well as ways in which companies can take advantage of existing carbon emissions trading markets and voluntary platforms. The seminar also provided tools for creating a comprehensive carbon management strategy, including long-term data and quality management strategies.

Special thanks to the participants and the speakers, Ken Alex (California Attorney General's Office), Dr. James Fine (Environmental Defense Fund), Sean B. Hecht (UCLA School of Law), Richard Varenchik (California Air Resources Board), Josh Margolis (Cantor CO2e), Kathy Blue (Trinity Consultants); and from Hunton & Williams, Malcolm Weiss and F. William Brownell for raising the debate to such a high level.

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