SFIG Vegas 2017, Las Vegas, NV

February 26 – March 1, 2017

Brent Lewis and Eric Burner will participate as panelists during the annual SFIG Vegas conference, which will take place February 26 – March 1, 2017 in Las Vegas. SFIG Vegas is the largest capital markets conference in the world, attracting more than 4,500 of the industry's top professionals. Brent’s panel, “RMBS 101” will provide an overview of the structure of a residential mortgage-backed securitization, core mortgage securitization concepts and terminology and the difference between GSE sponsored versus private label RMBS. Eric’s panel, “Assessing the Scope of the Non-Performing Loan Market and the Role of Securitization”, will address the types of loans that are suitable/not suitable for securitization, how much “dirty” pool asset you can put in a securitization, current spreads and what impacts them, what bond investors look for, rating agency hot buttons and historical/expected performance in different rate/economic scenarios.

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