She Builds 2017, A Community Service Event Refurbishing Two Brooklyn Women and Children’s Shelters

September 2017

On September 28th, a team of Hunton & Williams lawyers made the trek to Brooklyn to assist in “She Builds,” a full-day renovation project to provide much needed revitalization to a women and children’s shelter. The event, organized by a committee of female real estate industry leaders lead by Hunton & Williams lawyer Laurie Grasso, was a labor of love that took several months to pull together. The committee partnered with Rebuilding NYC and WIN, to find a location that needed refurbishing and then quickly organized a team of nearly 100 volunteers and raised $90,000 in sponsorship donations in record time in order to make the project a reality. The event was a wonderful opportunity to empower women and specifically women in real estate, and to give back to the community.

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