Hunton Andrews Kurth Advises CoBank, ACB on Fixed-Rate Reset Preferred Stock Offering and Fixed-to-Floating Rate Preferred Stock Redemption
Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP advised CoBank, ACB (“CoBank”) on its offering of 400,000 shares of fixed-rate reset Series K non-cumulative perpetual preferred stock and the redemption of all its outstanding shares of fixed-to-floating rate Series F non-cumulative perpetual preferred stock. CoBank is a cooperative bank serving vital industries across rural America. It provides loans, leases and other financial services to vital industries across the rural communities of America. CoBank conducts lending operations through three operating segments: Agribusiness, Farm Credit Banking and Rural Infrastructure. The Agribusiness operating segment includes lending to regional and corporate agribusiness customers, export finance customers and leasing customers. The Farm Credit Banking operating segment serves as the funding bank for 19 affiliated associations across the country. The Rural Infrastructure operating segment includes lending to rural infrastructure borrowers across the United States. CoBank is a member of the Farm Credit System, is a federally chartered network of borrower-owned cooperative Banks and affiliated Associations, as well as related service organizations.
The Hunton Andrews Kurth team included Peter K. O’Brien, Steven C. Friend, Patrick C. Jamieson, Reuben H. Pearlman and Jingyi “Alice” Yao. Robert McNamara and Tim Strother provided tax advice.
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