Hunton Andrews Kurth Places Among Top Law Firms in 2019 Capital Markets League Tables

Time 4 Minute Read
February 21, 2020

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP is pleased to announce that the firm appears prominently among rankings by Bloomberg and Refinitiv of the top legal advisors to issuers and underwriters in U.S. and global capital markets transactions for 2019.

“Our capital markets team saw continued success in representing clients in a range of public and private transactions, and the rankings reflect the strength of our practice,” said Susan S. Failla, who co-chairs Hunton Andrews Kurth’s capital markets practice with Courtney Cochran Butler, David C. Wright and Peter K. O’Brien.

“We had a very strong year, particularly with a number of high-profile deals in the energy and consumer products industries,” Butler added. “We look forward to continuing to play a key role in our clients’ strategic business goals in 2020.”

Bloomberg Capital Markets Rankings

Hunton Andrews Kurth placed in Bloomberg’s top 10 law firms across nine U.S. capital markets categories and among the top 20 law firms in seven worldwide categories in 2019, including:

  • #3 in U.S. Equity Linked, Manager Advisor, by volume
  • #5 in U.S. Equity Linked, Manager Advisor, by deal count
  • #6 in U.S. Investment Grade Corporate Bonds, Manager Advisor, by deal count
  • #6 in Global Bonds, Issuer Advisor, by deal count
  • #6 in Global Bonds, Issuer Advisor, by volume
  • #8 in U.S. Corporate Bonds, Manager Advisor, by deal count
  • #9 in Global Bonds, Manager Advisor, by deal count
  • #9 in U.S. Investment Grade Corporate Bonds, Issuer Advisor, by volume
  • #9 in U.S. Investment Grade Corporate Bonds, Issuer Advisor, by deal count
  • #9 in U.S. Corporate Bonds, Issuer Advisor, by deal count
  • #10 in U.S. Investment Grade Corporate Bonds, Manager Advisor, by volume
  • #10 in U.S. Corporate Bonds, Manager Advisor, by volume
  • #11 in U.S. Corporate Bonds, Issuer Advisor, by volume
  • #11 in Global Bonds, Manager Advisor, by volume
  • #11 in EMEA Corporate Investment Grade Bonds (inc EM), Issuer Advisor, by volume
  • #11 in U.S. Equity Offerings, Manager Advisor, by volume
  • #12 in EMEA Corporate Investment Grade Bonds (inc EM), Issuer Advisor, by deal count
  • #12 in U.S. Equity IPO, Manager Advisor, by deal count
  • #15 in U.S. Equity Offerings, Manager Advisor, by deal count
  • #15 in U.S. High-Yield Corporate Bonds, Manager Advisor, by volume
  • #15 in U.S. High-Yield Corporate Bonds, Manager Adviser, by deal count
  • #16 in U.S. Equity Offerings, Issuer Advisor, by volume
  • #16 in U.S. Equity Offerings, Issuer Advisor, by deal count
  • #16 in Global Equity, Equity Linked & Rights, Manager Advisor, by volume

Refinitiv Capital Markets Rankings

Hunton Andrews Kurth also placed among the top 20 law firms in Refinitiv’s rankings of 20 capital markets categories in 2019, including:

  • #13 Manager Advisor, U.S. Straight Debt Excluding ABS & MBS, by volume
  • #16 Issuer Advisor, U.S. Equity & Equity Related, by volume
  • #16 Manager Advisor, U.S. Equity & Equity Related, by volume
  • #16 Manager Advisor, Global Straight Debt Excluding ABS & MBS, by proceeds
  • #16 Issuer Advisor, U.S. Straight Debt Excluding ABS & MBS, by proceeds
  • #16 Manager Advisor, U.S. Straight Debt Excluding ABS & MBS, by proceeds
  • #16 Issuer Advisor, U.S. Straight Debt Excluding ABS & MBS, by volume
  • #17 Manager Advisor, U.S. Debt, Equity & Equity Related, by proceeds
  • #17 Manager Advisor, U.S. Debt, Equity & Equity Related, by volume
  • #17 Issuer Advisor, U.S. Debt, Equity & Equity Related, by proceeds
  • #17 Manager Advisor, Global Straight Debt Excluding ABS & MBS, by volume
  • #18 Issuer Advisor, U.S. Debt, Equity & Equity Related, by volume
  • #18 Issuer Advisor, Global Straight Debt Excluding ABS & MBS, by proceeds
  • #18 Manager Advisor, Global Debt, Equity & Equity-related, by proceeds
  • #20 Manager Advisor, All International Bonds, by volume
  • #20 Manager Advisor, Global Debt, Equity & Equity-related, by volume
  • #21 Issuer Advisor, Global Debt, Equity & Equity-related, by proceeds

The firm advised clients in a range of transactions in 2019, including €4.25 billion and $11.5 billion notes offerings for a major consumer products corporation and a $4.3 billion exchange offering and a $4 billion notes offering for a midstream energy company.

Hunton Andrews Kurth has a long history of representing issuers, investors and underwriters in a wide range of public and private offerings of equity and debt securities, with a particular focus on the consumer products, energy (including oil and gas and midstream, power, renewables and utilities), financial services and real estate industries. Over the last five years, the firm has handled more than 800 equity and debt capital markets transactions aggregating over $455 billion. Clients include publicly traded entities, including master limited partnerships (MLPs) and real estate investment trusts (REITs), middle-market entities, as well as large public corporations.

Media Contact

Lisa Franz
Director of Public Relations

Jeremy Heallen
Public Relations Senior Manager


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