Hunton Andrews Kurth Contributes to 10 Years of Medical Legal Partnership with Texas Children’s Hospital
Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP was recently celebrated for 10 years of active participation in the Texas Children’s Hospital Medical Legal Partnership (MLP). Founded in 2012 in conjunction with the Houston Volunteer Lawyers program, the MLP offers critical assistance to low-income patients and their families, helping to address medical, social, legal and economic issues that can have an impact on health care outcomes.
The firm was one of the original participants when the MLP was formed 10 years ago, and has handled more than 340 cases since the program’s launch.
“Working with Texas Children’s has been amazing. The fact that they can make this connection with us, and other practicing attorneys around town, is just incredible, because it’s a vital need,” said Jared Grodin, partner in the firm’s Houston office and committed volunteer with Texas Children’s MLP.
About Houston Volunteer Lawyers
Founded in 1981 by the Houston Bar Association, Houston Volunteer Lawyers has delivered free legal services to low-income residents of Harris County for 35 years by linking qualified applicants with attorneys volunteering their time on a pro bono basis. Houston Volunteer Lawyers helps low-income citizens that other programs often cannot serve, such as those who may not meet the financial criteria of other legal assistance programs and non-US citizens. Over 3,000 Harris County attorneys serve as Houston Volunteer Lawyers' volunteers, each making a difference in the lives of low-income clients, their families, and communities.
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