Hunton Recognized in GIR 100 for White Collar Defense and Internal Investigations Practice
Hunton & Williams has been featured in the GIR 100, a new independent guide to the world’s best firms for international investigations according to the London-based Global Investigations Review. The annual guide profiles 100 firms that the GIR editorial team has assessed as experienced and busy enough to be viewed as a trusted pair of hands for corporates who discover possible wrongdoing of the type that could turn into a crisis.
Hunton & Williams’ white collar defense and internal investigations team has considerable experience in corporate criminal defense and government enforcement litigation. Team lawyers include a former United States Attorney, a number of former Assistant United States Attorneys, a former Counsel to the Deputy Attorney General of the United States Department of Justice, and a former Deputy Assistant Attorney General and Chief of Staff of the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice, as well as the former Deputy Attorney General for the state of Florida.
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