Hunton & Williams Lawyers Participate in Leadership Council on Legal Diversity Career Building Programs

Time 2 Minute Read
January 25, 2018

Three Hunton & Williams associates are participating in 2018 leadership programs sponsored by the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (LCLD). The LCLD’s Fellows and Pathfinder programs offer high-potential lawyers at LCLD member organizations a variety of training, mentoring and networking opportunities designed to help them develop and build successful careers. Consistent with the LCLD’s mission, the goal is to increase diversity within the nation’s law firms and corporate legal departments.

Landon Eustache will take part in LCLD’s landmark Fellows Program, which is tailored to mid-career lawyers. During the coming year, Landon will enjoy a comprehensive learning curriculum that includes in-person conferences, training in the fine points of legal practice, peer-group projects to foster collaboration and build relationships, and extensive contact with the managing partners and general counsel who make up LCLD’s top leadership. He will also have continuing access to the programs offered by LCLD’s growing and evolving Fellows Alumni Program.

Mayme Donohue and Henry Jin will take part in LCLD’s Pathfinder Program, which was established to support early-career lawyers. Mayme and Henry will have the opportunity to attend several large group training sessions facilitated by leading industry experts, and to participate in small group gatherings hosted by LCLD Fellows who will offer professional development advice based on personal experience. In addition, they will have access to online experiential training modules and will be paired with program facilitators to help ensure a smooth and successful program experience.

The LCLD is an organization of more than 275 corporate chief legal officers and law firm managing partners—the leadership of the profession—who have dedicated themselves to creating a truly diverse US legal profession. Hunton & Williams has been a strong supporter of LCLD since it was first established in 2009. Managing Partner Wally Martinez has served as chair of its Board of Directors, and firm senior counsel Robert Grey currently serves as LCLD President.

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