Hunton & Williams LLP Represents Spanish Bank BBVA in a JP¥19.8 billion Financing to Telmex

Time 1 Minute Read
March 17, 2008

Miami, FL -- March 17, 2008 -- Hunton & Williams LLP recently represented Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. (“BBVA”), as lender, in a credit facility of JP¥19.8 billion to Teléfonos de México (“Telmex”). The funding will provide working capital for the company.

“BBVA is one of the most highly regarded financial institutions in Latin America, and, through this financing, continues to demonstrate its importance in the region,” said Fernando C. Alonso, partner in Hunton & Williams' Miami office and head of the firm's Latin America practice group. Mr. Alonso, counsel Barbara P. Alonso and associate J. Andres Cedron led the team for Hunton & Williams. The legal team also included Javier Edwards, BBVA's Managing Director of Legal Services in New York.

Telmex's in-house counsel in Mexico City negotiated the transaction on behalf of Telmex.

With over 7,500 offices in more than 30 countries, BBVA is Spain's second-largest bank and the world's 11th largest based on market capitalization. Telmex is the leading telecommunications service provider in Mexico and one of the largest in Latin America.

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