Hunton & Williams LLP Uncontested as Top Privacy Adviser in Computerworld Poll

Time 3 Minute Read
February 7, 2011

NEW YORK, NY, February 7, 2011 — For the fourth consecutive time, Hunton & Williams LLP was named the top firm for privacy by Computerworld in its 2010 report on "Best Privacy Advisers." The survey of more than 4,000 global corporate privacy leaders ranked Hunton & Williams #1 overall, citing the firm's extensive experience and global presence. Computerworld reported that, "Hunton [& Williams] attracted more than twice as many votes as its nearest challenger." In a breakdown by focus categories, Hunton & Williams also received top honors from respondents working in the financial services and technology industries, as well as by respondents from the Fortune 1000.

"We have an internationally known, superb team of privacy professionals at the firm who understand the maze of privacy and data security issues facing global companies," said Wally Martinez, managing partner of Hunton & Williams. "It is gratifying that our clients continue to recognize us as the #1 thought leaders in this area."

Lisa Sotto, head of the firm's privacy and information management practice, stated that, "online behavioral advertising, cloud computing and smart grid were front-burner issues in 2010. Those issues will continue to hold the spotlight in 2011."

In addition to the firm's top-place rating, five privacy professionals at the firm are recognized as the best privacy advisers: Lisa Sotto, who has held first place in every survey as "the top global expert on privacy;" Marty Abrams of the firm's Centre for Information Policy Leadership; Christopher Kuner, who heads the firm's privacy practice in Europe; Richard Thomas of the Centre for Information Policy Leadership and former Information Commissioner for the United Kingdom; and Professor Fred Cate of the firm’s Centre for Information Policy Leadership and the director of the Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research at Indiana University.

Overbrook Research, an independent public opinion consulting firm, conducted the survey, sending it to more than 4,000 corporate leaders around the world responsible for data protection in their organizations. The criteria used to rank firms included a firm's experience, practical advice, global staff, timely and thorough work, and interdisciplinary perspective.

Hunton & Williams' privacy and information management practice group assists organizations in managing privacy and security risks associated with the collection, use and disclosure of consumer and employee personal information. The firm's lawyers counsel clients on new and evolving global legal requirements that affect the use of information and work closely with clients to conduct full-scale privacy assessments. Hunton & Williams' privacy team understands the public policy issues and business processes that inform the current privacy debate both in the United States and overseas, and applies that knowledge in providing legal advice. The team's Privacy & Information Security Law Blog is a go-to resource for comprehensive analysis and cutting-edge insight on a broad range of privacy issues,

The Centre for Information Policy Leadership at Hunton & Williams, founded in 2001, is a privacy think tank and consulting practice that provides strategic consulting services and helps members develop global privacy and data security strategies for the digital age. It also provides members with a forum for shaping privacy solutions and joins companies, consumer leaders and senior policy makers to develop next-generation privacy principles that enable global information flows.

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