London Office Completes London Legal Walk

Time 1 Minute Read
June 2, 2015

On Monday evening, May 18, a team of eight from our London office completed the London Legal Walk. The 10K walk/run took the volunteers all around London.

This annual event raises funds to provide legal advice for the poorest and the most vulnerable people in London. Service examples include helping elderly people who need support to stay living independently, families living in terrible housing conditions, women and children who have been trafficked to the UK to become domestic or sex slaves, people who suffer disability or illness, people who have been unfairly dismissed or who are discriminated against at work, and men and women who are working for less than minimum wage.

Our kudos and thanks to the volunteers who took part in this very worthwhile event: Director of Administration Joanna Lorimer, HR Administrator Donna Martin, professional assistant Amanda Fasge, associate Julia Black, accounting coordinator Chanelle Hayrettin, partner Roger Dyer, partner Stuart Hills and professional assistant Julia Ives.

Media Contact

Lisa Franz
Director of Public Relations

Jeremy Heallen
Public Relations Senior Manager


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