
Aphisit is an associate in the corporate practice of the firm’s Bangkok office. He focuses his practice on corporate, civil and commercial law. He is experienced in a variety of legal areas including general corporate and commercial deals, due diligence investigations, and regulatory compliance.

He is also experienced in dispute resolution proceedings, including class actions, civil, criminal, administrative, bankruptcy and rehabilitation cases.


  • Gold mining company in Thailand – assistant attorney in charge of the defense of the civil lawsuit and the petition for a class action, in which the basis of the claim is relating to the allegations of supposed wrongful acts contravening the Enhancement and Conservation of National Environmental Quality Act B.E. 2535. The Plaintiff claimed that they suffered from the environmental effect and contamination of chemicals and heavy metals from the gold mining operation.
  • Automotive manufacturer in Thailand – assistant attorney in charge of the defense of the civil lawsuit and the petition for a class action against the client and its affiliates, totaling 4 persons, as the Defendants. The basis of the claim is relating to the defective products or unsafe product and misleading advertisements in relation to the Product Liability Act, the Consumer Protection Act and the class action law. The Plaintiffs and their class members claimed that they are the Defendants’ customers who suffered damage from low quality, sub-standard, defective products or unsafe products or are not in accordance with the Defendants’ advertisement.
  • Bondholders – assistant attorney in charge of the Plaintiffs of the civil lawsuit and the petition for a class action, in which the basis of the claim is relating to the allegations of supposed wrongful acts contravening the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 and claims under the Debenture Agreement.
  • Auto parts manufacturer in Thailand – assistant attorney in charge of the defense of the civil case, criminal case, rehabilitation case and bankruptcy case filed by and against the company group and their Japanese director.
  • Reputable financial and credit service provider in Thailand – assistant attorney in charge of the defense of the civil case, criminal case and rehabilitation case filed by and against the company group and their Japanese director.



  • Extraordinary Member, Thai Bar Association
  • Lawyer’s License, Lawyers Council of Thailand


LLB (Hons), Thammasat University, 2016




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