As the Houston pro bono fellow, Joe assists low-income pro bono clients with a variety of civil matters, focusing on housing, family law, criminal expunctions and non-disclosures, and federal taxes. He divides his time between supporting other attorneys at the firm on pro bono matters and working at Houston Volunteer Lawyers, the pro bono arm of the Houston Bar Association, assisting the organization with its clinics and providing direct representation to clients.
Joe is a former Judicial Intern with the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas. He has experience working with Lone Star Legal Aid and The Earl Carl Institute for Legal and Social Policy. Joe also served in roles as a specialty tax consultant, defense and intelligence consultant, and as a United States Special Operations Marine.
- Judicial Intern for the Hon. Alfred H. Bennett, United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas
- Legal Intern, Lone Star Legal Aid, Eviction Defense
- Legal Intern, Earl Carl Institute for Legal and Social Policy
- Houston Bar Association
- Hispanic Bar Association of Houston
JD, Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University, summa cum laude, 2024
MBA, University of Houston-Downtown, 2018
BBA, American Military University, cum laude, 2015