Posts in Information Security.
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On August 8, 2013, the State Council of the People’s Republic of China released its “Opinions Regarding Facilitating Information Consumption and Boosting Domestic Demand” (Guofa [2013] No. 32, the “Opinions”). The Opinions provide guidelines for encouraging the development of the “consumption of information” in the next few years. “Consumption of information” is a recently-coined Chinese term that encompasses the demand for, and possession, processing and reproduction of, information.

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In recent months, the Chinese government has focused an increasing amount of attention on the protection of personal information. As we previously reported, there have been a number of new data protection regulations in China, including the Decision on Strengthening the Protection of Information on the Internet issued by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress in December 2012, and new rules issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology this July to protect personal information collected by telecommunications and Internet service providers. This focus also is illustrated by Shanghai authorities’ recent crackdown on crimes involving personal information.

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On August 29, 2013, the FTC announced that it had filed a complaint against LabMD, Inc. (“LabMD”) for failing to protect consumers’ personal data. According to the complaint, LabMD, which performs various laboratory tests for consumers, exposed the personal information of more than 9,000 consumers on a peer-to-peer (“P2P”) file-sharing network. Specifically, a LabMD spreadsheet that was found on the P2P network contained names, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, health insurance information and medical treatment codes. In another instance, identity thieves were able to obtain LabMD documents that contained the personal information of more than 500 consumers, including names, Social Security numbers and bank account information.

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As reported by Bloomberg BNA, the South African Parliament passed the Protection of Personal Information Bill on August 22, 2013. The bill, which was sent to President Jacob Zuma to be signed into law, represents South Africa’s first comprehensive data protection legislation.

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On August 26, 2013, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California approved a settlement with Facebook, Inc., related to the company’s alleged misappropriation of certain Facebook members’ personal information, such as names and profile pictures, that was then used in ads to promote products and services via Facebook’s “Sponsored Stories” program.

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On August 28, 2013, the Obama Administration issued several documents relating to the Cybersecurity Framework that the President called for in Executive Order 13636: Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. The documents include:

  • Preliminary Cybersecurity Framework (Discussion Draft);
  • Preliminary Cybersecurity Framework: Illustrative Examples (Discussion Draft);
  • Message to Senior Executives on the Cybersecurity Framework (Discussion Draft);  and
  • Cybersecurity Framework Performance Goals (Draft).
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On August 28, 2013, on the UK Information Commissioner’s Office’s (“ICO’s”) blog, Simon Rice, Technology Group Manager for the ICO, discussed the importance of encryption as a data security measure. He stated that storing any personal information is “inherently risky” but encryption can be a “simple and effective means” to safeguard personal information and reduce the risk of security breaches.

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As always, the privacy team at Hunton & Williams continues to closely monitor the latest global developments in data protection, privacy and cybersecurity, including progress on the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation. To keep you informed, we will be hosting regular, 30-minute webcasts to provide brief updates on the most pressing issues. These Hunton Global Privacy Update sessions will take place every two months. Please join us on September 19, 2013, at 11:00 a.m. EDT, for the first Hunton Global Privacy Update webcast.

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This week a new breach notification regulation takes effect across the EU. The Regulation on the measures applicable to the notification of personal data breaches under Directive 2002/58/EC (the “Regulation”) specifies the technical measures of how Internet service providers, telecommunications providers and other public electronic communications service (“ECS”) providers must notify of data breaches.

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On August 6, 2013, the Obama Administration posted links on The White House Blog to reports from the Departments of Commerce, Homeland Security and Treasury containing recommendations on incentivizing companies to align their cybersecurity practices with the Cybersecurity Framework. These reports respond to the Administration’s February 2013 executive order entitled Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (the “Executive Order”).

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As reported by Bloomberg BNA, the Irish Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (“ODPC”) has stated that it will not investigate complaints relating to the alleged involvement of Facebook Ireland Inc. (“Facebook”) and Apple Distribution International (“Apple”) in the PRISM surveillance program.

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On July 16, 2013, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China (the “MIIT”) issued a new rule entitled Provisions on the Registration of Real Identity Information of Telephone Users (the “Provisions”), which will take effect on September 1, 2013. The Provisions were issued pursuant to the Resolution of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress Relating to Strengthening the Protection of Information on the Internet (the “Resolution”) and the Telecommunications Regulations of the People’s Republic of China. In April 2013, the MIIT issued a draft of the Provisions and solicited public comment.

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On July 16, 2013, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China (the “MIIT”) issued a new rule entitled Provisions on the Protection of Personal Information of Telecommunications and Internet Users (the “Provisions”). The Provisions, which will take effect on September 1, 2013, are intended to implement the general requirements set forth in last December’s Resolution of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress Relating to Strengthening the Protection of Information on the Internet (the “Resolution”). The Provisions are the first specific regulations concerning personal information protection by telecommunications service providers in China.

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On July 12, 2013, during the Centre for Information Policy Leadership’s First Friday call, José Alejandro Bermúdez Durana, Deputy Superintendent for Data Protection for Colombia’s Superintendency of Industry and Commerce, discussed the secondary regulations issued on June 27, 2013 to implement Colombia’s omnibus data protection law enacted in 2012. The Deputy Superintendent discussed key aspects of the regulations, and provided information regarding additional regulations that are needed to implement binding codes of conduct.

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On June 27, 2013, the Colombian Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism issued regulations pursuant to the country’s new data protection law. The regulations, entitled Decreto Número 1377 de 2013, por el cual se reglamenta parcialmente la Ley 1581 de 2012, address a variety of topics, including the following:

  • Consent requirements relating to the collection of personal data;
  • Restrictions on the processing of children’s personal data;
  • Content and delivery of privacy notices;
  • Cross-border data transfer restrictions;
  • Data transfer agreements;
  • Internal privacy ...
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On July 4, 2013, the European Parliament adopted new EU legislation to fight cyber crime. The Directive on attacks against information systems (the “Directive”) (see the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs’ report tabled for plenary), together with the launch of the European Cybercrime Centre and the adoption of the EU cybersecurity strategy, will strengthen the EU’s overall response to cyber crime and contribute to improving cybersecurity for all EU citizens.

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The U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration (“ITA”) will host a data privacy seminar in Providence, Rhode Island, on Thursday, July 18 from 8:30 – 11:00 a.m. EDT. Seminar participants will hear from Commerce privacy experts who will discuss the Obama Administration’s privacy blueprint and provide updates on significant international developments, including the U.S.-EU and U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor Frameworks and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (“APEC”) group’s work to implement the Cross-Border Privacy Rules System. These privacy developments could have a significant impact on how companies comply with laws and privacy regulations in the United States, Asia and Europe. A representative from the Safe Harbor-certified company Textron Inc. (“Textron”) also will discuss the company’s experience developing and implementing a privacy compliance program.

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On July 2, 2013, the Indian government released its ambitious National Cyber Security Policy 2013. The development of the policy was prompted by a variety of factors, including the growth of India’s information technology industry, an increasing number of cyber attacks and the country’s “ambitious plans for rapid social transformation.” The policy sets forth 14 diverse objectives that range from enhancing the protection of India’s critical infrastructure, to assisting the investigation and prosecution of cyber crime, to developing 500,000 skilled cybersecurity professionals over the next five years.

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On July 1, 2013, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (“NIST”) issued a preliminary draft outline of the Cybersecurity Framework that is being developed pursuant to the Obama Administration’s February 2013 executive order, Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (the “Executive Order”).

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On June 14, 2013, the European Data Protection Supervisor (the “EDPS”) issued an Opinion regarding a joint communication by the European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Cyber Security Strategy of the European Union: an Open, Safe and Secure Cyberspace (the “Strategy”), as well as the European Commission’s proposed draft directive to ensure uniformly high security measures for network and information security across the EU (the “NIS Directive”). The EDPS welcomes recognizing privacy and data protection as core values of a robust cybersecurity policy, as opposed to separating out security and privacy, but draws attention to several deficiencies, stating that “the ambitions of the strategy are not reflected in how it will be implemented.”

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On June 14, 2013, the French Data Protection Authority (“CNIL”) announced that last March it had created an internal working group to study the privacy issues arising from the access of the personal data of French citizens by foreign public authorities. The CNIL further announced that the working group has decided to organize meetings with the various concerned stakeholders (attorneys, telecommunications operators, public institutions and non-governmental organizations) and that it has already had discussions with some of them. A summary of the CNIL’s findings is expected to be published in September 2013.

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On June 3, 2013, Privacy Piracy host Mari Frank interviewed Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Data Security practice at Hunton & Williams LLP, on KUCI 88.9 FM radio in Irvine, California. Listen to the latest developments in cybersecurity, including legal issues businesses should consider when dealing with cybersecurity threats and the types of information being targeted.

Access the radio interview.

Time 1 Minute Read

On June 3, 2013, Privacy Piracy host Mari Frank will interview Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Data Security practice at Hunton & Williams LLP, on KUCI 88.9 FM radio in Irvine, California. Listen to the latest developments in cybersecurity, including legal issues businesses should consider when dealing with cybersecurity threats and the types of information being targeted. The radio interview will be featured at 8:00 a.m. Pacific Time on KUCI 88.9 FM and is available via audio streaming at

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In April 2013, the People’s Republic of China’s General Office of the National People’s Congress published a draft amendment to the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests (the “ Proposed Amendment”) and solicited public comments on the Proposed Amendment until May 31, 2013. The Proposed Amendment includes provisions that affect the collection and use of consumer personal information.

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The Obama Administration is in the process of finalizing its review of a statutory electronic surveillance proposal initially developed by the FBI, and is expected to support the introduction of a modified version as legislation. The proposal addresses concerns raised by law enforcement and national security agencies regarding the widening gap between their legal authority to intercept real-time electronic communications pursuant to a court order, and the practical difficulties associated with actually intercepting those communications. According to the government, this gap increasingly prevents the agencies from collecting Internet-based phone calls, emails, chats, text messages and other communications of terrorists, spies, organized crime groups, child pornography distributors and other dangerous actors. The FBI refers to this as the “going dark” problem.

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On May 7, 2013, the Federal Trade Commission announced that it issued letters to ten data broker companies warning that their practices could violate prohibitions against selling consumer information under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”). The FTC identified the ten data broker companies after a test-shopping operation that indicated these companies were willing to sell consumer information without adhering to FCRA requirements.

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In April 2013, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China (the “MIIT”) issued a new rule entitled the “Notice on Strengthening the Administration of Networked Smart Mobile Devices” (the “Notice”). This Notice, which will become effective on November 1, 2013, was issued in draft form in June 2012 along with a request for public comment.

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On May 7, 2013, the hacker group Anonymous announced that it, in concert with Middle East- and North Africa-based criminal hackers and cyber actors, will conduct a coordinated online attack labeled “OpUSA” against banking and government websites today. Anonymous stated that OpUSA will be a distributed denial of service (“DDoS”) in which websites may be defaced and legitimate users may be unable to access websites.

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On April 10, 2013, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China (the “MIIT”) enacted two draft rules (“Provisions on the Protection of Personal Information of Telecommunications and Internet Users” and “Provisions on the Registration of Real Identity Information of Telephone Users”) to solicit public comments. The comment period is open until May 15, 2013. Both Drafts include proposals for substantial provisions on the protection of personal information and were enacted according to the Resolution of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress Relating to Strengthening the Protection of Information on the Internet (issued by the Standing Committee in December 2012) and some other telecommunications rules.

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On April 17, 2013, the Federal Trade Commission issued a press release seeking public input on “The Internet of Things” – the ability of numerous “everyday devices to communicate with each other and with people.” The FTC will accept comments through June 1, 2013, in advance of a public workshop to be held in Washington, D.C. on November 21, 2013.

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On April 16, 2013, the Office of the President issued a Statement of Administration Policy that includes a threat to veto the U.S. House of Representatives’ Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (“CISPA” or H.R. 624) if further changes are not made to the bill’s privacy protections. Specifically, the Obama Administration recommends that the bill require private entities to remove personal information when sharing cybersecurity information with the government or other private entities.

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On April 12, 2013, the Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration (“ITA”) issued a guidance document to clarify how the U.S.-European Union Safe Harbor Framework facilitates the transfer of personal data from the European Union to the United States in the cloud computing context. The document underscores that the U.S.- European Union Safe Harbor Framework is an officially recognized means of complying with the adequacy requirement of EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC. ITA has received a number of inquiries from Safe Harbor participants indicating that they (and their EU clients, customers and partners) have heard conflicting information and are unsure about how the Safe Harbor Framework may enable data transfers to cloud service providers in the United States.

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On April 3, 2013, the Federal Trade Commission issued a press release announcing that it had sent warning letters to operators of six websites that provide rental history reports to landlords for tenant screening purposes. The letters informed the website operators that they may be considered consumer reporting agencies (“CRAs”) subject to the requirements of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”).

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On March 8, 2013, the German government published a response to a formal inquiry from one of the German Parliament’s parties on the international security, data protection and surveillance implications of cloud computing. The response describes international cooperation between German and foreign law enforcement agencies that have used mutual legal assistance treaties to obtain cloud data in foreign jurisdictions. An earlier study by the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs considered the scope of U.S. laws that allow surveillance of non-U.S. residents in a cloud computing context. The German government’s response now provides information on how German law enforcement agencies obtain data from clouds outside their jurisdiction (e.g., in the United States) pursuant to mutual legal assistance treaties.

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On March 28, 2013, the Department of Commerce’s Notice of Inquiry into “Incentives to Adopt Improved Cybersecurity Practices” was published in the Federal Register (78 Fed. Reg. 18954). This Notice, which includes a series of broad questions for owners of the nation’s critical infrastructure, follows up on earlier Commerce inquiries focused on incentives for noncritical infrastructure. The Notice states that Commerce will use the responses it receives to evaluate a set of incentives designed to encourage owners of critical infrastructure to participate in a voluntary cybersecurity program. The Notice also indicates that Commerce will use the responses to inform its evaluation of whether the incentives would require legislation or could be implemented pursuant to existing law and authorities. In addition, the Notice provides that Commerce may use the responses to develop a broader set of recommendations that would apply to U.S. industry as a whole.

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Hunton & Williams LLP is pleased to announce that Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the firm’s Global Privacy and Data Security practice, has been named to The National Law Journal’sThe 100 Most Influential Lawyers in America” list. Last published in 2006, this is only the eighth time this list of legal luminaries has been compiled since it was first established in 1985 as “Profiles in Power.”

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On March 22, 2013, Peru issued the implementing regulations of its new data protection law. The Reglamento de la Ley No 29733, Ley de Protección de Datos Personales (“Regulations”) provide detailed rules on a variety of topics, including the following:

  • Territorial scope;
  • notice and consent;
  • data transfers;
  • processing of personal data relating to children and adolescents;
  • data processing in the communications and telecommunications sectors;
  • outsourcing;
  • information security;
  • data subjects’ rights;
  • registration of databases;
  • codes of conduct; and
  • enforcement.
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The U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration (“ITA”) will host a data privacy seminar in Waltham, Massachusetts, on Monday, March 25 from 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. EST. Seminar participants will hear from a number of Commerce privacy experts who will discuss the Obama Administration’s privacy blueprint and provide updates on significant international developments involving the U.S.-European Union and U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor Frameworks and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation group’s work to implement the Cross-Border Privacy Rules System. These privacy developments could have a significant impact on your company and its compliance with laws and privacy regulations in the United States, Asia and Europe.

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On February 27, 2013, the Article 29 Working Party (the “Working Party”) adopted an Opinion (the “Opinion”) addressing personal data protection issues related to the development and use of applications on mobile devices. The Opinion identifies the key data protection risks associated with mobile apps and clarifies the legal framework and obligations applicable to the various parties involved in the development and distribution of mobile apps, including app stores, app developers, operating system and device manufacturers and advertisers.

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On March 5, 2013, Costa Rica published the Reglamento a la Ley de Protección de la Persona Frente al Tratamiento de sus Datos Personales (Regulations of the Law of Protection of the Person in the Processing of His Personal Data) (the “Regulations”). The wide-ranging Regulations, which took effect immediately, expand and clarify many aspects of the underlying law and include the requirements described below.

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On March 5, 2013, the German Federal Ministry of the Interior published proposed amendments (in German) to the German Federal Office for Information Security Law. These proposed amendments are significant because they establish a new duty to notify the German Federal Office for Information Security in the event of a cybersecurity breach.

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As reported in The Washington Post, large financial institutions are increasingly disclosing cyber attacks, and potential vulnerability to cyber threats, in their annual reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Numerous banks disclosed such attacks in their 2012 reports, even in cases where the ongoing threat of the attacks did not result in any material harm to the institution. For example:

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On March 8, 2013, the Federal Trade Commission issued a staff report entitled Paper, Plastic… or Mobile? An FTC Workshop on Mobile Payments (the “Report”). The Report is based on a workshop held by the FTC in April 2012 and highlights key consumer and privacy issues resulting from the increasingly widespread use of mobile payments.

Although the FTC recognizes the benefits of mobile payments, such as ease and convenience for consumers and potentially lower transaction costs for merchants, the Report notes three areas of concern with the mobile payments system: (1) dispute resolution, (2) data security and (3) privacy.

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On March 12, 2013, Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen announced that a coalition of 38 states had entered into a $7 million settlement with Google Inc. (“Google”) regarding its collection of unsecured Wi-Fi data via the company’s Street View vehicles between 2008 and 2010. The settlement is the culmination of a multi-year investigation by the states that we first reported on in 2010.

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On March 11, 2013, in Tyler v. Michaels Stores, Inc., the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court effectively reinstated the suit against the retailer by answering favorably for the plaintiff three certified questions from the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts regarding Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 93, Section 105(a) entitled “Consumer Privacy in Commercial Transactions” (“Section 105(a)”). The court ruled that (1) a ZIP code constitutes personal identification information under the Massachusetts law; (2) a plaintiff may bring an action for a violation of the Massachusetts law absent identity fraud; and (3) the term “credit card transaction form” refers equally to electronic and paper transaction forms. The Massachusetts court’s determination that a ZIP code constitutes personal identification information is similar to the determination in Pineda v. Williams-Sonoma Stores, Inc., in which the California Supreme Court held that ZIP codes are “personal identification information” under California’s Song-Beverly Credit Card Act. More than 15 states, including Massachusetts and California, have statutes limiting the type of information that retailers can collect from customers.

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On February 28, 2013, the Centre for Information Policy Leadership at Hunton & Williams LLP (the “Centre”) announced the release of “Big Data and Analytics: Seeking Foundations for Effective Privacy Guidance,” a paper intended to help organizations and policymakers develop a governance framework for using analytics in a way that protects privacy and promotes innovation. The paper, which is the product of an industry-sponsored initiative led by the Centre, suggests a two-phase approach that separates how organizations discover what data can reveal from how those insights are applied to knowledge development and decisionmaking. This approach lays the foundation for workable, effective governance.

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On February 26, 2013, the United States Supreme Court decided in Clapper v. Amnesty International that U.S. persons who engage in communications with individuals who may be potential targets of surveillance under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (“FISA”) lack standing to challenge the statute’s constitutionality. The Supreme Court determined that the plaintiffs’ alleged injuries were not “certainly impending” and that the measures they claimed to have taken to avoid surveillance were not “fairly traceable” to the challenged statute. Although this 5-4 decision would not be considered a “privacy” or “data breach” case, the Court’s analysis will have a significant impact on such cases going forward, and may thwart the ability of individuals affected by data breaches to assert standing based on possible future harm.

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On February 22, 2013, the Federal Trade Commission announced that it had settled charges against HTC America, Inc. (“HTC”) alleging that the mobile device manufacturer “failed to take reasonable steps to secure the software it developed for its smartphones and tablet computers, introducing security flaws that placed sensitive information about millions of consumers at risk.” This settlement marks the FTC’s first case against a mobile device manufacturer.

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On February 26, 2013, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (“NIST”) issued a Request for Information (“RFI”) to gather comments regarding the development of a framework to reduce cybersecurity risks to critical infrastructure. As we previously reported, the Obama Administration’s executive order, Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (the “Executive Order”), released on February 12, 2013, directs NIST to coordinate development of this framework. Under the Executive Order, NIST is charged with collaborating with industry partners and identifying existing international standards and practices that have proven effective.

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On February 20, 2013, Hunton & Williams LLP hosted a webinar on cybersecurity risks and the Obama Administration’s recently-issued Executive Order on cybersecurity issues related to critical infrastructure. The webinar, entitled “The Cybersecurity Executive Order: Understanding Its Impact on Your Business,” covered issues such as the current threat landscape, U.S. and EU regulatory initiatives related to cybersecurity, and guidelines to help businesses prevent and manage cyber events.

Time 4 Minute Read

The Executive Order, “Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity,” and the Presidential Policy Directive (“PPD”), “Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience,” signed by President Obama on February 12, 2013, raise the stakes in the national debate over cybersecurity requirements and seem likely, if not designed, to provoke a legislative response. Industry has good reason to pay attention.

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On February 12, 2013, the Obama Administration released its highly-anticipated Executive Order on cybersecurity. Evolving cyber threats and increased government attention to these issues will affect companies in every industry, and businesses must consider a proactive approach to protecting against risks to critical business systems, company personal data, intellectual property and other proprietary information.

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On February 12, 2013, in conjunction with the release of an executive order on Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (the “Executive Order”), President Obama signed a Presidential Policy Directive on Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience (“PPD-21” or “PPD”). The PPD revokes the 2003 Homeland Security Presidential Directive-7 (issued by President George W. Bush as an initiative under the former Office of Homeland Security and the Homeland Security Council) to adjust to the new risk environment and make the nation’s critical infrastructure more resilient. The PPD expands upon the work that has been accomplished to date for the physical security of critical infrastructure and lays a foundation for the implementation of the Executive Order to protect critical infrastructure cybersecurity.

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Today, the Obama Administration released an executive order, Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (the “Executive Order”), which is focused primarily on government actions to support critical infrastructure owners and operators in protecting their systems and networks from cyber threats. The Executive Order requires administrative agencies with cybersecurity responsibilities to (1) share information in the near-term with the private sector within the scope of their current authority and to develop processes to address cyber risks; and (2) review and report to the President on the sufficiency of their current cyber authorities. The requirements to review and report to the President likely will serve to pressure Congress to pass more comprehensive legislation that should, inter alia, address issues that an executive order cannot, such as the provision of liability protection, incentives for compliance, and regulatory authority to compel compliance.

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On January 17, 2013, Mexico’s Ministry of Economy published its Lineamientos del Aviso de Privacidad (in Spanish) (“Privacy Notice Guidelines” or “Guidelines”), which it prepared in collaboration with the Mexican data protection authority. The Guidelines introduce heightened notice and opt-out requirements for the use of cookies, web beacons and similar technology, and they impose extensive requirements on the content and delivery of privacy notices generally (with respect to all personal data, not just data collected via cookies and other automated means). The Guidelines will take effect in mid-April.

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On February 7, 2013, the European Commission, together with the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, launched their cybersecurity strategy for the European Union (“Strategy”). As part of this Strategy, the European Commission also proposed a draft directive on measures to ensure a common level of network and information security (“NIS”) across the EU (the “Directive”).

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On February 4, 2013, the German Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik or “BSI”) published a paper (in German) providing an overview of the information technology risks inherent in consumerization and bring your own device (“BYOD”) strategies. The Paper responds to what the BSI views as a growing trend of employees making personal use of employer IT systems as well as using their personal IT devices for work purposes.

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On January 28, 2013, the London office of Hunton & Williams marked European Data Privacy Day with the launch of the fourth edition of Data Protection Law & Practice, written by Senior Attorney Rosemary Jay. A panel comprised of the current UK Information Commissioner, Christopher Graham; his three predecessors, Eric Howe CBE, Elizabeth France CBE and Richard Thomas CBE; and the UK Minister of State for Justice, Lord McNally, spoke at the event and provided a retrospective on data protection in the United Kingdom since the Information Commissioner’s Office’s (“ICO’s”) inception in 1984.

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On February 1, 2013, the Federal Trade Commission issued a new report entitled Mobile Privacy Disclosures: Building Trust Through Transparency. The report makes recommendations “for the major participants in the mobile ecosystem as they work to improve mobile privacy disclosures,” offering specific recommendations for mobile platforms, app developers, advertising networks and other third parties operating in this space. The FTC’s report also makes mention of the Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s efforts to engage in a multistakeholder process to develop an industry code of conduct for mobile apps.

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On February 1, 2013, the Federal Trade Commission announced that Chairman Jon Leibowitz will step down from his role on February 15, 2013. Leibowitz, who has been with the Commission since 2004 and was appointed Chairman in 2009, leaves the agency with a much more aggressive privacy agenda than the one he inherited, having helped to shape “groundbreaking work on consumer protection and competition issues.” During what may be his final press conference as Chairman, Leibowitz announced a new staff report on mobile app privacy disclosures and an enforcement action against the operator of a social networking app stemming from allegedly deceptive information collection practices that violated Section 5 of the FTC Act and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.

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On January 23, 2012, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (“FFIEC”) released proposed guidance, Social Media: Consumer Compliance Risk Management Guidance (the “Guidance”) to address how federal consumer protection laws may apply to the social media activities of financial institutions that are supervised by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Comments on the guidance must be submitted within 60 days (before March 25, 2013). After consideration of the public comments, and once the guidance is finalized, financial institutions will be expected to “use the guidance in their efforts to ensure that their risk management practices adequately address the consumer compliance and legal risks, as well as related risks, such as reputation and operational risks, raised by activities conducted via social media.” Rather than imposing additional obligations on financial institutions, the Guidance is intended to help financial institutions comply with existing federal requirements as they apply to the use of social media platforms.

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In an interview with Tom Field of BankInfoSecurity, Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Data Security practice at Hunton & Williams LLP, discussed the top privacy trends and threats for 2013. Lisa predicts that security vulnerabilities will remain the biggest threat to privacy, particularly with the move toward mobile computing. She also talked about key issues to watch in 2013, such as online behavioral advertising, big data and evolving privacy legislation and regulation, especially in the EU and other countries around the globe.

Listen to Lisa’s ...

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As reported in BNA’s Privacy & Security Law Report, on December 14, 2012, a federal district court in California ruled that a retail store’s policy of collecting personal information only after providing customers with receipts does not violate the Song-Beverly Credit Card Act (“Song-Beverly”). Under Section 1747.08(a)(2) of Song-Beverly, a retailer that accepts credit cards for the transaction of business may not “[r]equest, or require as a condition to accepting the credit card as payment … the cardholder to provide personal identification information,” which the entity accepting the credit card then “writes, causes to be written, or otherwise records upon the credit card transaction form or otherwise.”

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On December 28, 2012, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (“NPC”) of the People’s Republic of China passed the Resolution of the Standing Committee of the NPC Relating to Strengthening the Protection of Information on the Internet (the “Regulations”). The Regulations contain significant and far-reaching requirements applicable to the collection and processing of electronic personal information via the Internet.

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On December 18, 2012, the Federal Trade Commission issued Orders to File Special Report (the “Orders”) to nine data brokerage companies, seeking information about how these companies collect and use personal data about consumers. In the Orders, the FTC requests detailed information about the data brokers’ privacy practices, including:

  • the data brokerage companies’ online and offline products and services that use personal data;
  • the sources and types of personal data the data brokerage companies collect;
  • whether, and how, the companies acquire consumer consent before obtaining, collecting, generating, deriving, disseminating or storing the personal data;
  • whether, and how, the personal data is aggregated, anonymized or de-identified;
  • how the companies monitor, audit or evaluate the accuracy of the personal data they obtain;
  • if, and how, consumers are able to access, correct, delete or opt out of the collection, use or sharing of the personal data the data brokerage companies maintain about the consumers;
  • how the data brokerage companies provide notice to consumers about their data privacy practices;
  • the advertisements or promotional materials the companies use to describe their products and services; and
  • information about any complaints or disputes, or governmental or regulatory inquiries or actions, related to the companies’ data privacy practices.
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On December 10, 2012, Tom Field of HealthcareInfoSecurity interviewed Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Data Security practice at Hunton & Williams LLP. Discussing the top legal issues in 2012, Lisa said that data breaches remain at the top of the list, with an increase in malicious cyberattacks. She also addressed the need to combat cybercrime.

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On November 23, 2012, the German Federal Council (Bundesrat or the “Council”) published its comments on the European Commission’s strategy on cloud computing and also submitted them to the Commission.

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On November 20, 2012, the European Network and Information Security Agency (“ENISA”) published a new report entitled “The Right to Be Forgotten – Between Expectations and Practice.” The report complements two earlier papers which focused on data collection and storage and online behavioral advertising, and focuses on the technical implications of the proposed General Data Protection Regulation’s new right to be forgotten.

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On November 22, 2012, the Brussels-based publication European Voice published an editorial by U.S. Department of Commerce General Counsel Cameron Kerry entitled Avoiding a Data Divide Between the US and the EU. The article notes the importance of continued collaboration between the European Union and the United States as both assess their respective privacy frameworks to ensure that any changes encourage enhanced trade and strong economic growth, but also contain robust protections for consumers. Mr. Kerry’s editorial emphasizes the need to foster global privacy ...

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On November 20, 2012, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) published “Anonymisation: Managing Data Protection Risk Code of Practice” (the “Code”). The purpose of the Code is to provide organizations with a framework for assessing the risks of anonymization. It also sets forth good practice recommendations that may be adopted by organizations to provide a “reasonable degree of confidence” that the publication and sharing of anonymized data will not lead to an “inappropriate disclosure of personal data.” The published Code follows a consultation on the same topic earlier this year. The ICO also announced the creation of the UK Anonymisation Network, which will promote the sharing of good practices related to anonymization across the public and private sectors.

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On November 9, 2012, a federal District Court in Washington certified a national class and a Washington state sub-class in an action alleging that Papa John’s International, Inc. (“Papa John’s”) violated the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”) by sending unsolicited text messages advertising its pizza products. The court determined that plaintiffs had standing and satisfied all other requirements for class certification.

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In partnership with SC Magazine, we are pleased to announce that on November 22-23, 2012, SC Magazine will host its 2012 Virtual Summit “Tackling the Big 3: Clouds, Consumerisation, Cybercrime,” featuring Hunton & Williams partner Bridget Treacy. Following a year of sharp increases in data breaches and regulatory fines, the SC Summit will explore and focus on cybercrime, mobile devices and cloud security – three key priorities for 2013. Bridget Treacy and Paul Swarbrick, Chief Information Security Officer and Head of Cybersecurity for National Air Traffic Services, will open the Summit with their keynote presentation, “Where’s the Danger? From Cybercrime to Consumerisation to the Cloud, Today’s Most Potent Threats Unmasked.” Paul will discuss the data security issues that keep him awake at night and Bridget will offer vital, current perspective on the ever-changing legal landscape.

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On November 10, 2012, the German working group on technical and organizational data protection matters published guidelines (in German) on the technical and organizational separation requirements for automated data processing on shared IT systems (the “Guidelines”). The working group is part of the Conference of the German Data Protection Commissioners, which recently concluded its 84th Conference in Frankfurt (Oder).

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On October 30, 2012, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California ruled that an opt-out confirmation text sent by Citibank (South Dakota), N.A. (“Citibank”) did not violate the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (“TCPA”). Under a “common sense” interpretation, the court determined that Citibank’s opt-out text does not demonstrate the type of invasion of privacy the TCPA seeks to prevent.

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Bloomberg Law’s Lee Pacchia interviewed Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Data Security practice at Hunton & Williams LLP, to discuss the recent data security incident involving Barnes & Noble stores. Sotto discussed life in the modern world of technology where there is an increased risk of data security incidents, and many companies only reach out to counsel after a data breach occurs. Sotto also described how large companies should protect themselves against these sophisticated cyberattacks. View the full live interview now

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On October 26, 2012, the Federal Trade Commission finalized its settlement agreements with two businesses that allegedly exposed thousands of customers’ sensitive personal information by allowing peer-to-peer (“P2P”) file-sharing software to be installed on the companies’ computer systems. The approved settlements prohibit Georgia auto dealer Franklin’s Budget Car Sales, Inc. (“Franklin”) and Utah-based debt collector EPN, Inc. (“EPN”) from misrepresenting their privacy and information security practices and requires both businesses to establish and maintain a comprehensive information security program subject to biennial, independent, third-party audits for 20 years. The settlement with Franklin also bars the company from violating the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (“GLBA”) Safeguards Rule and Privacy Rule.

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On October 17, 2012, Colombia enacted a new omnibus data protection law known as Ley 1581 del 17 de octubre de 2012 por el cual se dictan disposiciones generales para la protección de datos personales. The law contains significant notice and consent requirements, special provisions for the processing of children’s data, European-style data subject rights (e.g., access and correction), special obligations applicable specifically and directly to service providers, a registration requirement and cross-border data transfer restrictions. The law also provides for the ...

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On October 15, 2012, the Singapore Parliament passed the Personal Data Protection Act 2012. Though a law has been under discussion for quite some time, this bill was introduced before Parliament only recently, in September of this year. The new law will apply only to data processing in the private sector as data processing by public agencies (or organizations acting on behalf of public agencies) are already subject to internal government rules. Reportedly, the bill will become law in January 2013, enforceable after 18 months, in mid-2014.

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On September 13, 2012, the PCI Security Standards Council (“PCI SSC”) issued new guidelines entitled “PCI Mobile Payment Acceptance Security Guidelines” (the “Guidelines”), which outline best practices for mobile payment acceptance security. As we reported in May, the PCI SSC Mobile Working Group published its “At a Glance: Mobile Payment Acceptance Security” fact sheet, detailing how merchants can more securely accept payments on mobile devices.

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On July, 19, 2012, the Article 29 Working Party (the “Working Party”) issued an Opinion finding that the Principality of Monaco ensures an “adequate level of protection” for personal data within the meaning of the European Data Protection Directive (Article 25 of Directive 95/46/EC) (the “Directive”). Under the Directive, strict conditions apply to personal data transfers to countries outside the European Economic Area that are not considered to provide an “adequate” level of data protection.

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On September 12, 2012, Congressman Edward Markey (D-MA) released a bill that would require companies to tell customers about monitoring software installed on their mobile devices and obtain customers’ express consent before engaging in monitoring. These requirements would apply to mobile phone makers, network providers and application developers.

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On August 21, 2012, the European Commission formally approved Uruguay’s status as a country providing “adequate protection” for personal data within the meaning of the European Data Protection Directive (Article 25(6) of Directive 95/46/EC). This follows the Article 29 Working Party’s earlier favorable Opinion issued in 2010, and takes into account certain interpretative assurances and clarifications provided by Uruguay. Accordingly, transfers of personal data from the EU to Uruguay may now take place without additional intergovernmental guarantees and in accordance with applicable data protection provisions.

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On August 30, 2012, Taiwan’s Executive Yuan announced that the Personal Data Protection Act will become effective on October 1, 2012. In connection with the announcement, the Executive Yuan also proposed several amendments to certain controversial provisions to be discussed by the Legislative Yuan in September.

Reportedly, the amendments would include the following changes:

  1. adding “medical records” as a type of sensitive personal data, and inserting exceptions to restrictions on the use of sensitive personal data (e.g., for public interest reasons or with the data ...
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On August 15, 2012, Philippines President Benigno S. Aquino III signed the Data Privacy Act of 2012 passed earlier this year by the Philippine Senate and House of Representatives. Concerns about the creation of the National Privacy Commission and the criminal penalties associated with the Act delayed final enactment.

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On July 10, 2012, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (“FFIEC”) released a statement on outsourced cloud computing activities. The statement, which was prepared by the FFIEC Information Technology Subcommittee, discusses key risk considerations associated with using third-party vendors to implement cloud computing solutions, and identifies applicable risk mitigation considerations contained in the various booklets that comprise the FFIEC IT Examination Handbook. The statement indicates that the FFIEC agencies “consider cloud computing to be another form of outsourcing with the same basic risk characteristics and risk management requirements as traditional forms of outsourcing.” The paper focuses on addressing key risks of outsourced cloud computing identified in existing guidance. Key points include the following:

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As reported in BNA’s Privacy & Security Law Report,on June 25, 2012, a federal district court in California ruled that the California Supreme Court’s 2011 Pineda decision, which held that requesting and recording zip codes during credit card transactions violates the state’s Song-Beverly Credit Card Act, applies retrospectively to OfficeMax’s collection of zip codes from its customers. The Plaintiffs in Dardarian v. OfficeMax had filed a class action lawsuit against OfficeMax over the company’s collection of ZIP code information from customers at the point of sale, a practice that OfficeMax ended the day the Pineda decision was handed down.

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Lisa Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Data Security Practice at Hunton & Williams, was interviewed on July 18, 2012 about her participation in the USAID-funded Judicial Reform and Government Accountability Project’s initiative to educate and provide data protection awareness to the Serbian government. As we reported last week, Sotto was invited to Belgrade to assist Rodoljub Sabic, Serbia’s Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection, and the JRGA Project. Sotto, who also is Chair of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee, spent last week advising the Commission on steps to enhance Serbia’s data protection framework.

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In June, China’s National Internet Information Office and its Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly published draft amendments to the Regulation on Internet Information Services (the “Regulation”). The amendments update the Regulation to cover new issues related to the rapid development of Internet services in China since the Regulation first took effect on September 25, 2000. Although the Regulation originally contained no specific provisions directly pertaining to the protection of personal information, the draft amendments do address personal information protection issues.

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On July 1, 2012, the Article 29 Working Party (the “Working Party”) adopted WP196 (the “Opinion”) setting out an analysis of the legal framework associated with cloud computing, as well as recommendations directed at both data controllers and data processors in the European Economic Area (the “EEA”). The Opinion identifies two data protection risks associated with the deployment of cloud computing services, namely: (1) lack of control over the data and (2) lack of information on data processing. Cloud computing and the range and geographical dispersion of the various parties involved also have raised significant uncertainty in terms of applicable law, which the Working Party previously analyzed in its Opinion 8/2010. Below is an overview of the different topics covered in the Opinion issued on July 1.

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On June 26, 2012, the Federal Trade Commission announced that it had filed suit against Wyndham Worldwide Corporation and three of its subsidiaries (“Wyndham”) alleging failures to maintain reasonable security that led to three separate data breaches involving hackers accessing sensitive consumer data. The FTC’s complaint claims that Wyndham violated the FTC Act by posting misleading representations on Wyndham websites regarding how the company safeguarded customer information, and by failing to provide reasonable security for personal information it collected ...

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On May 16, 2012, the PCI Security Standards Council’s (“PCI SSC’s”) Mobile Working Group published its “At a Glance: Mobile Payment Acceptance Security” fact sheet (the “Guidance”), which outlines best practices for securely accepting payments via mobile devices. The Guidance offers merchants practical advice for partnering with a Point-to-Point Encryption (“P2PE”) solution provider and satisfying their PCI Data Security Standard compliance requirements in the context of mobile payment acceptance. The Guidance includes recommendations for maintaining data security throughout the payment lifecycle, including securing account data at the point of capture and using an approved hardware accessory in combination with a validated P2PE solution.

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Following a meeting in Sopot, Poland, on April 24, 2012, the International Working Group on Data Protection in Telecommunications (the “Working Group”), led by the Berlin Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, issued a Working Paper that focuses on privacy and data protection issues related to the use of cloud computing in the international context. The Working Paper aims to reduce uncertainty regarding the definition of cloud computing and how the technology intersects with privacy, data protection and other legal issues.

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On April 26, 2012, the U.S. House of Representatives approved the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (“CISPA” or H.R. 3523), which is aimed at facilitating the exchange of cyber threat intelligence information between the government and certain private entities. In addition, the House approved the Federal Information Security Amendments Act of 2012 (H.R. 4257), which modifies the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 to provide for automated and continuous monitoring of the security of government information systems.

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On March 8, 2012, during the CeBIT international IT trade show, the German Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik or “BSI”) accepted the German Insurance Association’s application for certification of the “Trusted German Insurance Cloud,” a project that aims to establish a secure IT platform for the German insurance industry.  The parties previously had agreed to work together to develop practical requirements for a secure cloud solution, and to implement appropriate security measures in the “Trusted ...

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On March 27, 2012, the Federal Trade Commission announced a proposed settlement order with RockYou, Inc. (“RockYou”), a publisher and developer of applications used on popular social media sites. The FTC alleged that RockYou failed to protect the personal information of 32 million of its users, and violated multiple provisions of the FTC’s Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”) Rule when it collected information from approximately 179,000 children.

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On March 26, 2012, the Federal Trade Commission issued a new privacy report entitled “Protecting Consumer Privacy in an Era of Rapid Change: A Proposed Framework for Businesses and Policymakers.” The report charts a path forward for companies to act in the interest of protecting consumer privacy.

In his introductory remarks, FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz indicated his support for Do Not Track stating, “Simply put, your computer is your property; no one has the right to put anything on it that you don’t want.” In later comments he predicted that if effective Do Not Track mechanisms are not available by the end of this year, the new Congress likely would introduce a legislative solution.

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On March 21, 2012, Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley announced that Maloney Properties Inc. (“MPI”), a property management firm, executed an Assurance of Discontinuance and agreed to pay $15,000 in civil penalties following an October 2011 theft of an unencrypted company-issued laptop. The laptop contained personal information of more than 600 Massachusetts residents and was left in an employee’s car overnight. MPI has indicated that it has no evidence of unauthorized access to or use of the personal information in connection with this breach.

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On March 20, 2012, the Senate of the Philippines unanimously approved the omnibus Data Privacy Act of 2011, also known as “An Act Protecting Individual Personal Information in Information and Communications Systems in the Government and the Private Sector, Creating for This Purpose a National Data Protection Commission, and for Other Purposes” (S.B. 2965). Once signed into law, the legislation will impose a privacy regime modeled on the EU Data Protection Directive. It features significant notice, consent and data breach notification requirements, and it imposes direct ...

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On February 24, 2012, Eric Chabrow of BankInfoSecurity interviewed Lisa J. Sotto, partner and head of the Global Privacy and Data Security practice at Hunton & Williams LLP. Discussing the need for a Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights, Sotto briefly outlined the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed bill, and its potential impact on businesses.


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A growing number of companies are implementing cloud computing solutions to lower IT costs and increase efficiency. Although cloud technology offers an array of advantages, organizations that rely on the cloud must compensate for the corresponding increase in risk associated with outsourcing business operations to a third party. A recent article authored by a Hunton & Williams Insurance Litigation & Counseling partner discusses the ways in which business interruptions caused by cloud service provider failures may be covered by contingent business interruption insurance ...


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