Posts in Online Privacy.
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On March 11, 2009, the operators of Germany's leading social networks, which include "schuelerVZ," "studiVZ,"  "lokalisten" and "wer-kennt-wen," signed a 17-page Code of Conduct by the Association for Voluntary Self-Regulation of Multimedia Service Providers (the “Code”) in order to protect children and young people. The Code of Conduct aims to improve data protection and consumer protection in social networks and, in particular, to protect young people against harassment. The Code requires that a privacy notice be displayed directly after the registration process and ...

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On 2 March 2009, a Belgian Criminal court (Tribunal correctionnel de Termonde, No. DE 20.95.16/08/25) fined Yahoo! Inc., €55,000 ($71,745) for refusing to disclose to a Belgian Public Prosecutor the personal data of its e-mail users who were under criminal investigation for fraud. The Criminal court also imposed a daily penalty fee of €10,000 ($13,045) in a case of non-compliance with the judgment.  This decision was reached despite Yahoo!’s argument that Belgian law did not apply because the company does not maintain a legal entity in Belgium and does not store any customer data in Belgium.

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A former computer security consultant was sentenced Wednesday to four years in federal prison for fraud stemming from his involvement with a cyber-crime ring that used botnets to infect an estimated 250,000 computers.  He has also been ordered to pay $20,000 in restitution to companies defrauded by the scheme.  The 27 year-old California man made history last year when he became the first "bot herder" in the United States to plead guilty to wiretapping charges in connection with the use of botnets.  His guilty plea included admissions of accessing protected computers to conduct fraud and disclosing illegally intercepted electronic communications, as well as wire and bank fraud.  He faced up to 60 years in prison and $1.75 million in fines.

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The Criminal Court of Milan has suspended proceedings against four Google executives to allow time to address relevant procedural considerations.  The proceedings mark the culmination of a two-year investigation conducted by Italian authorities.  The investigation focused on video footage made available on Google Video that depicted a disabled boy being taunted by his fellow classmates.  As result of the video footage, Google executives face charges of defamation and privacy infringement.

For purposes of the criminal proceedings, Google is considered an internet content ...

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As part of its ongoing efforts to examine evolving internet marketing practices, earlier today the Federal Trade Commission released a report on self-regulation of online behavioral advertising.  This report analyzes the comments received from interested parties in response to proposed self-regulatory principles issued by the Commission in December 2007.  It covers a wide range of issues including the increasingly blurred line between personally identifiable information and non-personally identifiable information and the applicability of regulations to "first party" ...

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On December 2, 2008, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled in K.U. v. Finland that Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights requires national laws to protect individuals from serious online privacy infringements, but also that the national legal framework must allow for the identification and prosecution of offenders. This case involved an advertisement of a sexual nature, which was placed on an Internet dating site on behalf of the applicant, who was twelve years old at the time, without his knowledge ...

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In a continuing effort to combat identity theft, New York recently enacted an amendment to the Penal Law making it a crime to impersonate another person or pretend to be a public servant by means of online communication.

Specifically, New York’s Internet impersonation law amends section 190.25 of the Penal Law by adding Subdivision 4, making it a crime to impersonate another person by electronic means, including through use of a website, with the intent to obtain a benefit or injure or defraud another person. It also prohibits using such electronic means to pretend to be a public ...


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