On September 27, 2016, the French Data Protection Authority (“CNIL”) announced the adoption of two new decisions, Single Authorizations AU-052 and AU-053, that will now cover all biometric access control systems in the workplace. These two new decisions repeal and replace the previous biometric decisions adopted by the CNIL and lay down the CNIL’s new position on biometric systems used to control access to the premises, software applications and/or devices in the workplace.
On September 16, 2016, the Belgian Data Protection Authority (the “Privacy Commission”) published a 13-step guidance document (in French and Dutch) to help organizations prepare for the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).
The 13 steps recommended by the Privacy Commission are summarized below.
Recently, the National Privacy Commission (the “Commission”) of the Philippines published the final text of its Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 10173, known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (the “IRR”). The IRR has a promulgation date of August 24, 2016, and went into effect 15 days after the publication in the official Gazette.
On August 30, 2016, the First-tier Tribunal (Information Rights) (the “Tribunal”) dismissed an appeal from UK telecoms company TalkTalk Telecom Group PLC (“TalkTalk”) regarding a monetary penalty notice issued to it on February 17, 2016, by the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”). The ICO had issued the monetary penalty notice to TalkTalk, for the amount of £1,000, for an alleged failure to report an October 2015 data breach to the ICO within the legally required time period.
On July 25, 2016, the Article 29 Working Party (the “Working Party”) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (“EDPS”) released their respective Opinions regarding the review of Directive 2002/58/EC on privacy and electronic communications (the “ePrivacy Directive"). Both the Working Party and the EDPS stressed that new rules should complement the protections available under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).
On July 6, 2016, the Bavarian Data Protection Authority (“DPA”) issued a short paper on video surveillance under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).
This paper is part of a series of papers that the Bavarian DPA will issue periodically on specific topics of the GDPR to inform the public about what topics are being discussed within the DPA. The DPA emphasized that these papers are non-binding.
On June 28, 2016, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) released its Annual Report for 2015 -2016 (the “Report”).
According to the Report, the ICO has dealt with an increase in the number of data protection concerns, handling 16,388 complaints in total. Particularly noteworthy is the £130,000 fine imposed on Pharmacy 2U for breach of the fair processing requirements under the UK Data Protection Act 1998. Pharmacy 2U sold details of over 20,000 customers to a list marketing company without customers' knowledge or consent.
On June 30, 2016, a joint committee composed of representatives from both chambers of the French Parliament (“Joint Committee”) reached a common position on the French ‘Digital Republic’ Bill that rejects the data localization amendment previously approved by the French Senate, but significantly amends other aspects of the French Data Protection Act.
With the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) enacted and due to come into force in May 2018, the Centre for Information Policy Leadership at Hunton & Williams and AvePoint have launched a global survey to enable organizations to benchmark their readiness for the GDPR. The survey focuses on the key areas of impact and change for organizations under the GDPR, such as consent, legitimate interest, data portability, profiling, privacy impact assessments, DPOs, data transfers and privacy management program.
On June 23, 2016, the UK held a referendum to decide upon its continued membership in the European Union. The outcome has resulted in the decision for the UK to withdraw its membership from the European Union. Despite the result, data protection standards are unlikely to be affected.
On June 22, 2016, the Bavarian Data Protection Authority (“DPA”) issued a short paper on certifications under Article 42 of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). The GDPR will become effective on May 25, 2018.
This paper is part of a series of papers that the Bavarian DPA will be issuing periodically on specific topics of the GDPR to inform the public about what topics are being discussed within the DPA. The DPA emphasizes that these papers are non-binding.
Hunton & Williams announces its participation with the Global Legal Group in the publication of the third edition of the book The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Data Protection 2016. The guide provides corporate counsel and international practitioners with a comprehensive worldwide legal analysis of the laws and regulations relating to data protection. Bridget Treacy, partner and head of the UK privacy and cybersecurity practice, served as the contributing editor of the guide and co-authored the UK chapter.
On June 16, 2016, the French Data Protection Authority (“CNIL”) launched a public consultation on the four priority topics identified by the Article 29 Working Party (“Working Party”) in its February 2016 action plan for the implementation of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).
On May 30, 2016, the European Data Protection Supervisor (“EDPS”) released its Opinion (the “Opinion”) on the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield (the “Privacy Shield”) draft adequacy decision. The Privacy Shield was created to replace the previous Safe Harbor framework invalidated by the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) in the Schrems decision.
On May 24, 2016, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) published priorities for preparing for the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).
The ICO’s priorities for issuing guidance to assist organizations with GDPR preparation are split into three phases.
On March 16, 2016, the Centre for Information Policy Leadership (“CIPL”) at Hunton & Williams LLP co-hosted a one-day workshop in Amsterdam, Netherlands, together with the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice, to kick off CIPL’s new long-term project on the implementation of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).
On May 4, 2016, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Following the European Parliament’s vote to adopt the GDPR on April 14, 2016, and the signing of the final draft on April 27, 2016, the GDPR will enter into force 20 days following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. Its provisions will be directly applicable in all EU Member States two years after this date, on May 25, 2018.
After four years of drafting and negotiations, the GDPR finally replaces and harmonizes the existing EU ...
On April 27, 2016, the UK House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee (the “Committee”) confirmed Elizabeth Denham’s appointment as Information Commissioner. Denham, currently the Privacy and Information Commissioner for British Columbia, Canada, was announced as the UK Government’s preferred choice on March 22, 2016.
With the recent adoption of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and the significant changes it will require from organizations, AvePoint has joined forces with the Centre for Information Policy Leadership (“CIPL”), a global privacy policy think tank at Hunton & Williams LLP, to launch the first global survey to benchmark organizations’ readiness for the GDPR.
On April 14, 2016, after four years of drafting and negotiations, the long awaited EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) has been adopted at the EU level. Following the EU Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs’ vote earlier this week and the EU Parliament in plenary session, the GDPR is now officially EU law and will directly apply in all EU countries, replacing EU and national data protection legislation.
On April 13, 2016, the Article 29 Working Party (the “Working Party”) published its Opinion on the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield (the “Privacy Shield”) draft adequacy decision. The Privacy Shield was created to replace the previous Safe Harbor framework invalidated by the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) in the Schrems decision. The Working Party also published a Working Document on the justification for interferences with the fundamental rights to privacy and data protection through surveillance measures when transferring personal data (European Essential Guarantees).
On April 12, 2016, the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs voted to approve the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) by a 54-3 vote, with one abstention. The GDPR replaces Directive 95/46/EC, enacted in 1995, and will significantly change EU data protection laws.
This development clears the way for the European Parliament to rubber stamp the GDPR at a plenary session on April 14, 2016, completing the legislative process for adoption of the GDPR. The GDPR is expected to be published in the Official Journal of the European Union ...
On April 11, 2016, the European Commission launched a public consultation to evaluate and review Directive 2002/58/EC on the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector, also known as the e-Privacy Directive.
Technological advances and the advent of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) have prompted the European Commission to review the e-Privacy Directive, which was last updated in 2009.
After much debate, the final version of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) is expected to be adopted by the European Parliament this week and to take effect in early 2018. The GDPR will significantly change EU data protection law in several areas, affecting all businesses in the energy, financial, health care, real estate, manufacturing, retail, technology and transportation industries, among others. To assist in-house lawyers and privacy professionals with understanding the new GDPR and planning ahead for implementation, Hunton & Williams’ Privacy and Cybersecurity practice lawyers have released The EU General Data Protection Regulation, a Guide for In-House Lawyers covering these strategic areas:
On April 8, 2016, the Council of the European Union (the “Council”) will adopt its position on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). The General Secretariat of the Council of the EU sent a Note (the “Note”) asking the Permanent Representatives Committee to use the “written procedure” to adopt the Council's position. The adoption of the Council's position was initially planned for a vote on April 21, 2016, during the next Justice and Home Affairs Council, but the Council has decided to expedite the process for adoption by using the “written procedure,” which is an exceptional procedure that does not include public deliberation.
On March 17, 2016, Bojana Bellamy, President of the Centre for Information Policy Leadership (“CIPL”), participated on a panel of experts at a hearing in front of the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (“LIBE Committee”) about the new EU-U.S. Privacy Shield for commercial transfers of EU personal data to the U.S.
On March 23, 2016, the Chairwoman of the French Data Protection Authority (“CNIL”) opened proceedings that will lead to the release of a compliance pack on connected vehicles.
The CNIL announced that the compliance pack will contain guidelines regarding the responsible use of personal data for the next generation of vehicles. It will assist various stakeholders in the industry prepare for the General Data Protection Regulation.
On March 22, 2016, the UK government confirmed Elizabeth Denham as its preferred candidate to replace Christopher Graham as Information Commissioner. Subject to a pre-scrutiny hearing by the Culture, Media and Sports Select Committee and final approval from Her Majesty the Queen, Denham would begin her five-year term in mid-2016.
On March 17, 2016, the Council of the European Union (the “Council”) published a Draft Statement (the “Statement”) regarding the Council’s position at first reading with respect to the adoption of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). The Statement follows a political agreement on the draft GDPR reached by the Council on February 12, 2016.
On March 14, 2016, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) published a guide, Preparing for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – 12 Steps to Take Now. The guide, which is a high-level checklist with accompanying commentary, sets out a number of points that should inform organizations’ data privacy and governance programs ahead of the anticipated mid-2018 entry into force of the GDPR.
On March 9, 2016, Hunton & Williams LLP hosted a webinar regarding the impact of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) on global companies. Partner Aaron Simpson moderated the session, and speakers included partner and head of the Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice Lisa Sotto and partner Wim Nauwelaerts. Together, they explored the key components of the GDPR and discussed a roadmap toward compliance.
The webinar was the first segment in a two-part series, and Part 2 will be held in April.
On March 16, 2016, the Centre for Information Policy Leadership (“CIPL”) at Hunton & Williams LLP will co-host a one-day workshop in Amsterdam, Netherlands, together with the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice, to kick off a new long-term CIPL project on the implementation of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).
On March 9, 2016, Hunton & Williams’ Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice lawyers released a management guide on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), entitled “Overview of the EU General Data Protection Regulation,” addressing the key impacts the new law will have on businesses. This high-level management guide is intended to provide companies with a roadmap to the Regulation, focusing on topics such as expanded territorial scope, data breach notification rules, the One-Stop Shop concept and the right to be forgotten.
On February 19, 2016, the French Data Protection Authority (“CNIL”) made public its new Single Authorization Decision No. 46 (“Single Authorization AU-46”). This decision relates to the data processing activities of public and private organizations with respect to the preparation, exercise and follow-up regarding disciplinary or court actions, and the enforcement of those actions.
On February 11, 2016, the Article 29 Working Party (the “Working Party”) issued a statement on the 2016 action plan for the implementation of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (the “Regulation”). The action plan outlines the priorities for the Working Party in light of the transition to a new legal framework in Europe and the introduction of the European Data Protection Board (the “EDPB”). Accompanying the statement is a document, Work Program 2016-2018, detailing the tasks of the Working Party’s subgroups during the transitional period between the adoption of the Regulation and its implementation.
On January 28, 2016, the Centre for Information Policy Leadership (“CIPL”) held a special roundtable at Hunton & Williams’ Brussels office to examine the “essential equivalence” requirement for protection of data transfers to non-EU countries set by the Court of Justice of the European Union’s (“CJEU's”) Schrems decision. The roundtable brought together leading lawyers, corporate privacy officers, legal experts, regulators and policymakers to discuss the critical issues and impact of the new “essential equivalence” requirement for global data transfers set by the CJEU, and its relevance to the current EU-U.S. negotiations of a new Safe Harbor agreement.
On December 17, 2015, after three years of drafting and negotiations, the European Parliament and Council of the European Union reached an informal agreement on the final draft of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (the “Regulation”), which is backed by the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.
Today, Jan Philip Albrecht, MEP and Vice Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, tweeted the following:
“Yes, reports on white smoke are right but press information only to follow after second part of our work tonight is done, too.”
More information is expected to follow later today or tomorrow.
On October 15 and 16, 2015, Hunton & Williams is pleased to sponsor PDP’s 14th Annual Data Protection Compliance Conference in London. Bridget Treacy, Head of the UK Privacy and Cybersecurity practice at Hunton & Williams, chairs the conference, which features speakers from the data protection industry, including Christopher Graham, UK Information Commissioner, and Rosemary Jay, senior consultant attorney at Hunton & Williams.
On August 14 and August 26, 2015, the Conference of the Data Protection Commissioners of the Federal Government and the Federal States (Länder) issued a detailed position paper (“Position Paper”) and a press release on the main issues for the trilogue negotiations on the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation (the “Regulation”). In the Position Paper and press release, the participating German Data Protection Commissioners (“German DPAs”) request the trilogue partners to focus on the following issues:
On July 27, 2015, Giovanni Buttarelli, the European Data Protection Supervisor (“EDPS”), published Opinion 3/2015 on the reform of Europe’s data protection laws, intended to “assist the participants in the trilogue in reaching the right consensus on time.” The Opinion sets out the EDPS’ vision for the regulation of data protection, re-stating the case for a framework that strengthens the rights of individuals and noting that “the time is now to safeguard individuals’ fundamental rights and freedoms in the data-driven society of the future.”
On July 9, 2015, Hunton & Williams LLP hosted a webinar on the Proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation: Preparing for Change (Part 1). Hunton & Williams partner and head of the Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice Lisa Sotto moderated the session, which was led by speakers Bridget Treacy, managing partner of the firm’s London office; Wim Nauwelaerts, managing partner of the firm’s Brussels office; and Jörg Hladjk, counsel in the firm’s Brussels office. Together the speakers presented an overview of the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation, discussed ...
Hunton & Williams will host a live webinar covering the latest developments on the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation on Thursday, July 9, at 12:00 p.m. EDT. The webinar will provide an overview of the current status of the EU General Data Protection Regulation, highlights from the ongoing trilogue discussions, and guidance on how to prepare for the upcoming changes.
This webinar is the first segment of a two-part series addressing updates on the proposed European legislative reform. We will hold Part II later this year as negotiations continue to develop.
On June 18, 2015, the Article 29 Working Party (the “Working Party”) published letters regarding the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation (the “Regulation”) addressed to representatives of the Council of the European Union, the European Parliament and the European Commission. Attached to each of the letters is an Appendix detailing the Working Party’s opinion on the core themes of the Regulation.
The Council of the European Union has agreed on a general approach to the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation (the “Regulation”). This marks a significant step forward in the legislative process, and the Council’s text will form the basis of its “trilogue” negotiations with the European Parliament and the European Commission. The aim of the trilogue process is to achieve agreement on a final text of the Regulation by the end of 2015. The first trilogue meeting is expected to take place on June 24, 2015.
On June 1, 2015, the Group of the European People’s Party in the European Parliament released an updated timetable for agreeing on the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation (the “Regulation”). The European Commission, European Parliament and the Council of the European Union will soon enter multilateral negotiations, known as the “trilogue,” to agree on the final text of the proposed Regulation.
On May 26, 2015, the Upper House of the Dutch Parliament passed a bill that introduces a general obligation for data controllers to notify the Dutch Data Protection Authority (“DPA”) of data security breaches and provides increased sanctions for violations of the Dutch Data Protection Act. A Dutch Royal Decree still needs to be adopted to set the new law’s date of entry into force. According to the Dutch DPA, the new law is likely to come into force on January 1, 2016.
Hunton & Williams’ EU Privacy and Cybersecurity practice lawyers recently authored The Proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation – A guide for in-house lawyers (the “Guide”), addressing the key impacts of the forthcoming changes to EU data protection law. Current EU data protection law is based on the EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC (the “Directive”), which was introduced in 1995. An updated and more harmonized data protection law, in the form of a Regulation, has been proposed by the EU’s legislative bodies to replace the Directive. The Guide is intended to assist in-house lawyers in understanding the likely impact of the Regulation on businesses. While still under negotiation, the Regulation will significantly change the landscape of EU privacy and data protection in several key areas, including:
On April 10, 2015, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) published a summary of the feedback received from its July 28, 2014 report on Big Data and Data Protection (the “Report”). The ICO plans to revise its Report in light of the feedback received on three key questions and re-issue the Report in the summer of 2015. Below are key highlights set forth in the summary, entitled Summary of feedback on Big Data and data protection and ICO response (“Summary of Feedback”).
On April 16, 2015, the French Data Protection Authority (the “CNIL”) published its Annual Activity Report for 2014 (the “Report”) highlighting its main accomplishments in 2014 and outlining some of the topics it will consider further in 2015.
On February 5, 2015, the Article 29 Working Party (the “Working Party”) published a letter that responds to a request of the European Commission to clarify the scope of the definition of health data in connection with lifestyle and wellbeing apps. In the annex to this letter, the Working Party identifies criteria to determine when personal data qualifies as “health data,” a special category of data receiving enhanced protection under the EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC (the “Directive”). The Working Party further discusses the current legal regime for the processing of such health data and provides its view on the requirements for further processing of health data for historical, statistical and scientific research under the Directive. The letter also includes the Working Party’s recommendations for the regime that should be provided in the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation (the “Proposed Regulation”).
On January 20, 2015, a group of public officials and industry representatives met in a public discussion panel in Brussels to debate the progress of the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation (the “ Proposed Regulation”) and the major themes that are yet to be resolved. The panelist included Paul Nemitz, Director for the Fundamental Rights and Union Citizenship of the European Commission, Jan Philipp Albrecht, MEP and Vice Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, and Pat Walshe, Director of Privacy and Public Policy of Groupe Speciale Mobile Association.
On January 28, 2015, in connection with Data Protection Day, newly appointed European Data Protection Supervisor (“EDPS”) Giovanni Buttarelli spoke about future challenges for data protection. Buttareli encouraged the EU “to lead by example as a beacon of respect for digital rights,” and “to be at the forefront in shaping a global, digital standard for privacy and data protection which centers on the rights of the individual.” Buttarelli stressed that in the context of global technological changes, “the EU has to make existing data protection rights more effective in practice, and to allow citizens to more easily exercise their rights.”
On January 12, 2015, the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (“ENISA”) published a report on Privacy and Data Protection by Design - from policy to engineering (the “Report”). The “privacy by design” principle emphasizes the development of privacy protections at the early stages of the product or service development process, rather than at later stages. Although the principle has found its way into some proposed legislation (e.g., the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation), its concrete implementation remains presently unclear. Hence, the Report aims to promote a discussion on how the principle can be implemented concretely and effectively with the help of engineering methods.
On January 13, 2015, the French Data Protection Authority (the “CNIL”) published a Referential (the “Referential”) that specifies the requirements for organizations with a data protection officer (“DPO”) in France to obtain a seal for their data privacy governance procedures.
On December 8, 2014, the Article 29 Working Party (the “ Working Party”) and the French Data Protection Authority (the “CNIL”) organized the European Data Governance Forum, an international conference centered around the theme of privacy, innovation and surveillance in Europe. The conference concluded with the presentation of a Joint Statement adopted by the Working Party during its plenary meeting on November 25, 2014.
At the International Association of Privacy Professionals’ (“IAPP’s”) recent Europe Data Protection Congress in Brussels, the Centre for Information Policy Leadership at Hunton & Williams (the “Centre”) led two panels on the risk-based approach to privacy as a tool for implementing existing privacy principles more effectively and on codes of conduct as a means for creating interoperability between different privacy regimes.
On November 18, 2014, Hunton & Williams’ Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group hosted the latest webcast in its Hunton Global Privacy Update series. The program covered a number of privacy and data protection topics, including a report on the International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners, highlights on the Council of the European Union’s proposed revisions to the compliance obligations of data controllers and data processors included in Chapter IV of the forthcoming EU General Data Protection Regulation, and U.S. highlights on California’s breach report and Federal Communications Commission enforcement actions.
On November 18, 2014, the Centre for Information Policy Leadership at Hunton & Williams (the “Centre”) held the second workshop in its ongoing work on the risk-based approach to privacy and a Privacy Risk Framework. Approximately 70 Centre members, privacy regulators and other privacy experts met in Brussels to discuss the benefits and challenges of the risk-based approach, operationalizing risk assessments within organizations, and employing risk analysis in enforcement. In discussing these issues, the speakers emphasized that the risk-based approach does not change the obligation to comply with privacy laws but helps with the effective calibration of privacy compliance programs.
This week, the Article 29 Working Party (“Working Party”) prepares to debate various proposals on the “one-stop-shop” mechanism under the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation (“Regulation”). Hunton & Williams’ Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice and its Centre for Information Policy Leadership submitted a strategy paper on the one-stop-shop to the Working Party. The paper proposes a methodology for selecting and defining the role of a lead regulatory authority with the objective of making the one-stop-shop more operational, flexible and viable. The work draws on a more detailed article published on November 3, 2014, by Hunton & Williams senior attorney Rosemary Jay in the magazine for the Society for Computers and Law, entitled The “One Stop Shop” – Working in Practice.
The Council of the European Union has published proposed revisions to the compliance obligations of data controllers and data processors included in Chapter IV of the forthcoming EU General Data Protection Regulation (“Regulation”). This proposal was led by the current Italian Presidency and the revisions reflect input from representatives of the national governments of the EU Member States.
On July 28, 2014, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) released a comprehensive report on Big Data and Data Protection (the “Report”). This is the first big data guidance prepared by a European data protection authority. The Report describes what is meant by “big data,” the privacy issues big data raises, and how to comply with the UK’s Data Protection Act in the context of big data.
The EU Sub-Committee on Home Affairs, Health and Education of the UK House of Lords has published its Second Report for 2013-14, entitled EU Data Protection Law: A 'Right to Be Forgotten'? (the “Report”). The Report summarizes the findings of the Sub-Committee’s investigation into the right to be forgotten, and was triggered in large part by the European Court of Justice’s (“ECJ’s”) decision in Google v. Costeja (Case C-131/12, “Costeja”). In Costeja, the ECJ held that individuals have a right to request that their personal data no longer be displayed by online search engines in the results for searches made on the basis of the individual’s name, particularly if the information is inadequate, irrelevant or excessive (commonly referred to as the “right to be forgotten”).
On July 15, 2014, Hunton & Williams’ Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group hosted the latest webcast in its Hunton Global Privacy Update series. The program covered a number of privacy and data protection topics, including the recent judgment in the Costeja case, the Centre for Information Policy Leadership’s work on a risk-based approach to privacy, the new Canadian anti-spam legislation that went into effect on July 1, and other developments in the U.S. and EU.
In response to increasing interest in a “risk-based” approach among privacy experts, including policymakers working on the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation, the Article 29 Working Party (the “Working Party”) published a statement on the role of a risk-based approach in data protection legal frameworks (the “Statement”).
On June 6, 2014, Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission and EU Commissioner for Justice, outlined the progress that has been made with respect to the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation (the “Proposed Regulation”) in a meeting of the Council of the European Union, acting through the Justice Council (the “Council”). In particular, the Council has agreed on two important aspects of the Proposed Regulation.
On April 16, 2014, the Article 29 Working Party (the “Working Party”) sent a letter (the “Letter”) to Lilian Mitrou, Chair of the Working Group on Information Exchange and Data Protection (the “DAPIX”) of the Council of the European Union, to support a compromise position on the one-stop-shop mechanism within the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation (the “Proposed Regulation”).
On April 9, 2014, the Article 29 Working Party (the “Working Party”) issued an Opinion on using the “legitimate interests” ground listed in Article 7 of the EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC as the basis for lawful processing of personal data. Citing “legitimate interests” as a ground for data processing requires a balancing test, and it may be relied on only if (1) the data processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of the controller (or third parties), and (2) such interests are not overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject. With the Opinion, the Working Party aims to ensure a common understanding of this concept.
On April 10, 2014, the Article 29 Working Party (the “Working Party”) adopted Opinion 04/2014. The Opinion analyzes the implications of electronic surveillance programs on the right to privacy and provides several recommendations for protecting EU personal data in the surveillance context.
On March 28, 2014, the 87th Conference of the German Data Protection Commissioners concluded in Hamburg. This biannual conference provides a private forum for the 17 German state data protection authorities (“DPAs”) and the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Andrea Voßhoff, to share their views on current issues, discuss relevant cases and adopt Resolutions aimed at harmonizing how data protection law is applied across Germany.
On March 25, 2014, the Article 29 Working Party adopted Opinion 03/2014 (the “Opinion”) providing guidance on whether individuals should be notified in case of a data breach.
The Opinion goes beyond considering the notification obligations contained in the e-Privacy Directive 2002/58/EC, which requires telecommunications service providers to notify the competent national authority of all data breaches. The Directive also requires notification (without undue delay) to the affected individuals when the data breach is likely to adversely affect the personal data or privacy of individuals, unless the service provider has satisfactorily demonstrated that it has implemented appropriate technological safeguards that render the relevant data unintelligible to unauthorized parties and that these measures were applied to the data concerned by the security breach.
On March 12, 2014, the European Parliament formally adopted the compromise text of the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation (the “Regulation”). The text now adopted by the Parliament is unchanged and had already been approved by the Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs in October of last year. The Parliament voted with 621 votes in favor, 10 against and 22 abstentions for the Regulation.
On February 21, 2014, Peter Hustinx, the European Data Protection Supervisor (“EDPS”), highlighted the need to enforce existing EU data protection law and swiftly adopt EU data protection law reforms as an essential part of rebuilding trust in EU-U.S. data flows.
On January 28, 2014, Data Protection Day, Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Justice Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Viviane Reding gave a speech in Brussels proposing a new data protection compact for Europe. She focused on three key themes: (1) the need to rebuild trust in data processing, (2) the current state of data protection in the EU, and (3) a new data protection compact for Europe.
On January 21, 2014, Hunton & Williams’ Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group hosted the latest webcast in its Hunton Global Privacy Update series. The program highlighted some of the key privacy developments that companies will encounter in 2014, including cybersecurity issues in the U.S., California’s Do Not Track legislation, Safe Harbor, the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the CNIL’s new cookie guidance.
As we previously reported, on October 21, 2013, the European Parliament approved its Compromise Text of the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation (the “Proposed Regulation”). Hunton & Williams has now published an analysis of these proposals.
On November 27, 2013, the European Commission published an analysis of the EU-U.S. Safe Harbor Framework, as well as other EU-U.S. data transfer agreements. The analysis includes the following documents:
On November 19, 2013, Hunton & Williams’ Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group hosted the second webcast in its Hunton Global Privacy Update series. The program focused on the latest updates regarding the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“Proposed Regulation”), including a discussion of the European Parliament’s recent approval of its Compromise Text for the Proposed Regulation.
On October 21, 2013, the European Parliament approved its Compromise Text of the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation (the “Proposed Regulation”). The approval follows months of negotiations between the various parliamentary committees. The European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (“LIBE”) has been in charge of working toward an agreement on the Compromise Text in the European Parliament.
At its meeting on October 7, 2013, the Council of the European Union voiced support for the “one-stop-shop” mechanism in the draft General Data Protection Regulation (the “Regulation”). The “one-stop-shop” mechanism allocates responsibility for overseeing data processing activities in multiple EU Member States to the data protection authority of the EU Member State where the data controller or processor has its main establishment. At the Council meeting, a majority of the EU Member States indicated that the responsible data protection authority should have exclusive decision powers with regard to enforcement actions, but acknowledged that the “local” DPAs should be involved in the decisionmaking process as well. The Council emphasized the need for further exploration of the European Data Protection Board’s role in ensuring consistent application of EU data protection rules.
On October 2, 2013, the 86th Conference of the German Data Protection Commissioners concluded in Bremen. This biannual conference provides a private forum for the 16 German state data protection authorities (“DPAs”) and the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Peter Schaar, to share their views on current issues, discuss relevant cases and adopt Resolutions aimed at harmonizing how data protection law is applied across Germany.
On October 4, 2013, The Centre for Information Policy Leadership’s Senior Policy Advisor Fred Cate reported on the 35th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners which concluded on September 24 in Warsaw, Poland. The report indicates that four main issues dominated the Conference: (1) challenges presented by technologies such as mobile apps and online profiling, (2) multinational interoperability and enforcement, (3) pending EU data protection regulation and alternatives, and (4) repercussions of NSA surveillance activities.
On September 30, 2013, Hunton & Williams LLP hosted representatives from the U.S. Department of Commerce for a timely discussion of the Safe Harbor Framework, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (“APEC”) Cross-Border Privacy Rules System (“CBPRs”), and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (“TTIP”) negotiations. The panel also addressed the development of privacy codes of conduct and privacy legislation being developed by the Department of Commerce.
On September 6, 2013, Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Viviane Reding traveled to Berlin where she commented on the status of the negotiations on the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation (the “Proposed Regulation”). Commissioner Reding indicated that she was looking for Germany to become involved in the discussions about the Proposed Regulation at the highest level, and she argued in favor of stricter regulations given recent revelations about surveillance programs such as PRISM. Because the vote on the Proposed Regulation only requires a majority to pass, she also emphasized that it would not be necessary to obtain the agreement of all of the EU Member States (for example, the UK or Ireland).
On September 19, 2013, Hunton & Williams’ Global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice group hosted the first webcast in its new Hunton Global Privacy Update series. The program focused on the latest updates regarding the EU General Data Protection Regulation, recent Safe Harbor issues from both European and American perspectives, and cybersecurity developments on both sides of the Atlantic.
Hunton Global Privacy Update sessions are 30-minutes in length and are scheduled to take place every two months.
As always, the privacy team at Hunton & Williams continues to closely monitor the latest global developments in data protection, privacy and cybersecurity, including progress on the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation. To keep you informed, we will be hosting regular, 30-minute webcasts to provide brief updates on the most pressing issues. These Hunton Global Privacy Update sessions will take place every two months. Please join us on September 19, 2013, at 11:00 a.m. EDT, for the first Hunton Global Privacy Update webcast.
On September 30, 2013, Hunton & Williams LLP will host a panel discussion with the U.S. Department of Commerce on The Latest International Data Privacy Developments. The panel will take place in Hunton & Williams’ New York office from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. EDT, with a cocktail reception following the presentation. The Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration (“ITA”) will brief participants on important international data privacy issues, including:
On August 6, 2013, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) opened a new consultation on a draft code of practice on conducting privacy impact assessments (the “Code”).
Senior Attorney Rosemary Jay reports from London:
On June 25, 2013, Advocate-General Jääskinen of the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) delivered his Opinion in Google Spain S.L. and Google Inc. v Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (Case C-131/12, “Google v AEPD” or the “case”).
The case concerns Google Search results, and whether individuals have a right to erasure of search result links about them. The Opinion concludes that under current law, individuals have no such right. The European Commission’s proposed General Data Protection Regulation (the “Proposed Regulation”) would introduce a right to be forgotten. However, this Opinion appears to demonstrate unease with the basic concept of such a right.
In a recording prepared for the Centre for Information Policy Leadership at Hunton & Williams LLP’s (“Centre’s”) annual retreat, former UK Information Commissioner and Centre Global Strategy Advisor Richard Thomas discussed some of the challenges facing Big Data with respect to the purpose limitation principle set out in Article 6(1)(b) of the current EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC. In April 2013, the Article 29 Working Party adopted an Opinion on this topic, focusing on how to apply the purpose limitation principle in the Big Data context. Richard Thomas ...
On June 20, 2013, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) launched its Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2012/13 (the “Report”). Introducing the Report, Information Commissioner Christopher Graham strongly emphasized that, as consumers become increasingly aware of their information rights, good privacy practices will become a commercial benefit and a business differentiator. He outlined the seven key “e”s of the ICO’s role: enforce, educate, empower, enable, engage, and to be effective and efficient.
On June 14, 2013, the European Data Protection Supervisor (the “EDPS”) issued an Opinion regarding a joint communication by the European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Cyber Security Strategy of the European Union: an Open, Safe and Secure Cyberspace (the “Strategy”), as well as the European Commission’s proposed draft directive to ensure uniformly high security measures for network and information security across the EU (the “NIS Directive”). The EDPS welcomes recognizing privacy and data protection as core values of a robust cybersecurity policy, as opposed to separating out security and privacy, but draws attention to several deficiencies, stating that “the ambitions of the strategy are not reflected in how it will be implemented.”
As we previously reported, on May 31, 2013, the Irish Presidency of the Council of the European Union’s Justice and Home Affairs released a draft compromise text in response to the European Commission’s proposed General Data Protection Regulation (the “Proposed Regulation”). This compromise text narrows the scope of the Proposed Regulation and seeks to move from a detailed, prescriptive approach toward a risk-based framework.
On June 6, 2013, the European Union’s Justice and Home Affairs Council held legislative deliberations regarding key issues concerning the European Commission’s proposed General Data Protection Regulation (the “Proposed Regulation”). The discussions were based on the Irish Presidency’s draft compromise text on Chapters I to IV of the Proposed Regulation, containing the fundamentals of the proposal and reflecting the Presidency’s view of the state of play of negotiations. At the Council meeting, the Presidency was seeking general support for the conclusions drawn in their draft compromise text on the key issues in Chapters I to IV.
On June 3, 2013, the French Data Protection Authority (“CNIL”) published an article outlining the importance of binding corporate rules (“BCRs”) for data processors, and describing how to use them.
On June 5, 2013, Hunton & Williams hosted a seminar in the firm’s London office: Tracking the Draft EU Regulation ̶ General Update and the Concept of the “One-Stop Shop.” Bridget Treacy, Rosemary Jay and Tim Hickman of Hunton & Williams gave a presentation on the operation and effects of the “consistency mechanism” to be introduced in the proposed General Data Protection Regulation. The June 5 update was the most recent in Hunton & Williams’ ongoing series of Executive Briefings on the Proposed Regulation. The consistency mechanism is intended to ensure that, once the ...
On May 31, 2013, the Council of the European Union’s Justice and Home Affairs released a draft compromise text in response to the European Commission’s proposed General Data Protection Regulation (the “Proposed Regulation”). This compromise text narrows the scope of the Proposed Regulation and seeks to move from a detailed, prescriptive approach toward a risk-based framework.
On May 29, 2013, Hunton & Williams hosted a webinar, A Discussion on the Proposed EU Regulation: Developing a More Creative Approach. Hunton & Williams partner Bridget Treacy moderated the session with former UK Information Commissioner Richard Thomas, Global Strategy Advisor of the Centre for Information Policy Leadership at Hunton & Williams. Richard Thomas discussed the need for a more creative and flexible approach to the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation, with better-defined outcomes and targeting businesses that present the greatest risks. He also ...
On May 30, 2013, the French Data Protection Authority (“CNIL”) launched a public consultation on the digital “right to be forgotten.”
The CNIL recalled that the principle of a digital “right to be forgotten” is established in the Proposed EU Data Protection Regulation and that this new right will have to be exercised in accordance with freedom of expression, freedom of the press and the duty of remembrance.
In this context, the CNIL decided to consult web users with a goal of defining the broad outlines of the digital right to be forgotten. The CNIL also announced that it will ...
On May 13, 2013, the Article 29 Working Party (the “Working Party”) adopted an Advice Paper on profiling (the “Advice Paper”). The Advice Paper serves as the national data protection authorities’ contribution to the ongoing legislative debate before the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union on the proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation (the “Proposed Regulation”).
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