Environmental Justice
We help clients pursue business growth and development opportunities while balancing the needs of underrepresented communities.
The goals of environmental justice are straightforward: in planning and executing new industrial developments, agencies and businesses should take into consideration their impact on disproportionately affected communities. In practice, however, these principles have been more nebulous — and recently, the plaintiffs’ bar and well-funded activist groups have taken advantage of this lack of clarity to block, derail or delay a number of growth and expansion initiatives.
Hunton Andrews Kurth helps clients achieve their business objectives while meeting the goals of environmental justice. Since the mid-1990s, our lawyers have worked with clients to understand the evolving definitions and concerns of environmental-justice communities and to take appropriate steps to ensure that their voices are heard.
We work with clients at every step, including:
- Conducting environmental-justice risk management audits
- Developing environmental justice strategies for specific projects
- Identifying and reaching out to disproportionately affected communities
- Communicating with federal, state and local agencies to identify specific policies and standards
- Working with clients to organize and schedule meetings with community leaders, local residents and agency officials
- Assisting with public relations and community engagement initiatives
- Interfacing with lawmakers and agency officials to develop effective public policy and regulations
As environmental groups have become more organized, better funded and — in some cases — less transparent, they are increasingly willing to engage in high-profile, costly disputes across the country. We represent clients in a broad range of venues, from the project planning stage through permitting and administrative hearings and before state and federal trial and appellate courts.
We advise industry clients with interests in numerous sectors, including:
- Energy, oil and gas
- Distribution and shipping
- Manufacturing
- Mining and natural resources
- Petrochemicals and specialty chemicals
Given the lack of definition provided by many government agencies, environmental justice remains an area of risk and uncertainty. We help clients find and implement clear solutions.
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