APEC Forum Discusses International Privacy Legislation Developments
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Categories: International

On July 28, 2009,  the Data Privacy Subgroup meeting at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum in Singapore reported a number of privacy-related legislative developments on the horizon.  Among the highlights:

  • On July 15, the Malaysian Cabinet approved privacy legislation to be enacted by the Parliament in early 2010 
  • Vietnam is set to enact consumer protection legislation including privacy provisions in 2010 
  • Hong Kong's Privacy Commissioner will soon begin a review process to evaluate how privacy law has kept up with changing technology
  • The Philippines is set to enact privacy legislation based on the APEC Principles by the end of 2009
  • Thailand is expected to pass privacy legislation in the near future
  • The Law Reform Commission in New Zealand is laying the groundwork for legislation in 2010
  • Chile plans to enact legislation creating a government authority responsible for privacy and transparency
The Centre for Information Policy Leadership facilitated workshops contributing to the legislative processes in Vietnam and the Philippines.


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