Complete Our GDPR Readiness Survey
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With the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) enacted and due to come into force in May 2018, the Centre for Information Policy Leadership at Hunton & Williams and AvePoint have launched a global survey to enable organizations to benchmark their readiness for the GDPR. The survey focuses on the key areas of impact and change for organizations under the GDPR, such as consent, legitimate interest, data portability, profiling, privacy impact assessments, DPOs, data transfers and privacy management program.

Please participate in this survey designed to help organizations:

  • assess their current state of readiness for the GDPR;
  • benchmark and evaluate their readiness in relation to industry peers on an ongoing basis;
  • understand key changes and compliance obligations under the GDPR; and
  • determine a best implementation path forward and make appropriate resources and budgetary requests to meet their goals.

The anonymous results will be aggregated, analyzed and used to publish an annual benchmark report that will provide your organization with an overview of the current state of preparedness for the GDPR and recommendations of identified best practices among the survey respondents. This will help Chief Privacy and Data Protection Officers who are looking to ramp up their privacy programs, as well as Chief Information Officers, Chief Information Security Officers, business leaders and the entire executive leadership within organizations as they are considering companywide change-management programs for the implementation of the GDPR.

By completing the survey, you will receive a report that outlines what organizations from different industries and regions are doing to prepare for the GDPR. The first report is expected to be ready in September 2016, and we plan to repeat the survey annually to track progress.

Take the survey.

*We ask that one representative from your organization complete the survey and encourage you to work with the appropriate individuals in your organization to fill-out the survey. Please complete the survey by July 8, 2016.


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