Facebook Publishes Privacy Principles and Announces Introduction of Privacy Center
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On January 28, 2018, Facebook published its privacy principles and announced that it will centralize its privacy settings in a single place. The principles were announced in a newsroom post by Facebook’s Chief Privacy Officer and include:

  • “We give you control of your privacy.”
  • “We help people understand how their data is used.”
  • “We design privacy into our products from the outset.”
  • “We work hard to keep your information secure.”
  • “You own and can delete your information.”
  • “Improvement is constant.”
  • “We are accountable.”
In conjunction with the publication of the privacy principles, Facebook also announced the creation of a new privacy center and an educational video campaign for its users that focuses on advertising, reviewing and deleting old posts, and deleting accounts. The videos will appear in users’ news feeds and will be refreshed throughout the year.


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