FTC Posts Blog on Data Deletion Rule under COPPA
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On May 31, 2018, the Federal Trade Commission published on its Business Blog a post addressing the easily missed data deletion requirement under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”).

The post cautions that companies must review their data policy in order to comply with the data retention and deletion rule. Under Section 312.10 of COPPA, an online service operator may retain personal information of a child “for only as long as is reasonably necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the information was collected.” After that, the operator must delete it with reasonable measures to ensure secure deletion.

The FTC explains that a thorough review of data retention policies is crucial for compliance, as the deletion requirement is triggered without an express request from parents. Companies must verify, among other items, when the data ceases to be necessary for the initial purpose for which it was collected, and what they do with the data at that point. For instance, the FTC illustrates, a subscription-based children’s app provider would want to ask what it does with the data when a parent closes an account, a subscription is not renewed or an account becomes inactive. If the information is still necessary for billing purposes, the company must determine how much longer it needs the information.

The FTC provides the following questions that companies want to ask to ensure compliance:

  • What types of personal information do you collect from children?
  • What is your stated purpose for collecting the information?
  • How long do you need to retain the information for the initial purpose?
  • Does the purpose for using the information end with an account deletion, subscription cancellation or account inactivity?
  • When it’s time to delete information, are you doing it securely?


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