Louisiana Amends Data Breach Notification Law, Eliminates Fees for Security Freezes
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Recently, Louisiana amended its Database Security Breach Notification Law (the “amended law”). Notably, the amended law (1) amends the state’s data breach notification law to expand the definition of personal information and requires notice to affected Louisiana residents within 60 days, and (2) imposes data security and destruction requirements on covered entities. The amended law goes into effect on August 1, 2018.

Key breach notification provisions of the amended law include:

  • Definition of Personal Information: Under the amended law, “personal information” is now defined as a resident’s first name or first initial and last name together with one or more of the following data elements, when the name or the data element is not encrypted or redacted: (1) Social Security Number; (2) driver’s license number or state identification card number; (3) account number, credit or debit card number, together with any required security code, access code or password that would permit access to the individuals’ financial account; (4) passport number; and (5) biometric data, such as fingerprints, voice prints, eye retina or iris, or other unique biological characteristic, that is used to authenticate the individual’s identity.
  • Timing: The amended law requires that notice must be made to affected residents in the most expedient time possible and without unreasonable delay, but no later than 60 days from the discovery of a breach. This timing requirement also applies to third parties who are required to notify the owner or licensee of the personal information of a breach.
  • Delays: Under the amended law, entities must provide written notification to the Louisiana Attorney General within the 60-day period if notification is delayed due to (1) the entity’s determination that “measures are necessary to determine the scope of the breach, prevent further disclosures and restore the reasonable integrity of the system” or (2) law enforcement’s determination that notification would impede a criminal investigation. The Attorney General will allow an extension after receiving a written explanation of the reasons for delay.
  • Substitute Notification: The amended law lowers the bar for substitute notifications in the form of emails, postings on the website and notifications to major statewide media. Specifically, substitute notifications are permitted if (1) the cost of providing notifications would exceed $100,000 (previously the threshold was $250,000); (2) the number of affected individuals exceeds 100,000 (previously the threshold was 500,000); or (3) the entity does not have sufficient contact information.
  • Harm Threshold Documentation: Notification is not required if the entity determines that there is no reasonable likelihood of harm to Louisiana residents. The amended law requires that this written determination and supporting documents must be maintained for five years from the discovery. The Attorney General may request the documentation.

Key data security and destruction provisions of the amended law include:

  • “Reasonable” Security Procedures: The amended law creates a new requirement that entities that conduct business in Louisiana or own or license computerized personal information about Louisiana residents must maintain “reasonable security procedures and practices” to protect personal information. In addition, the security procedures and practices must be “appropriate to the nature of the information.” The amended law does not describe specifically what practices would meet these standards.
  • Data Destruction Requirement: The amended law creates a new requirement that, when Louisiana residents’ personal information owned or licensed by a business is “no longer to be retained,” “all reasonable steps” must be taken to destroy it. For instance, the personal information must be shredded or erased, or the personal information must be otherwise modified to “make it unreadable or undecipherable.”

Separately, on May 15, 2018, SB127 was signed by the governor and took immediate effect. The bill prohibits credit reporting agencies from charging a fee for placing, reinstating, temporarily lifting or revoking a security freeze.


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