New Data Protection Enforcement Provisions Take Effect in Russia
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As reported in BNA Privacy Law Watch, on July 1, 2017, a new law took effect in Russia allowing for administrative enforcement actions and higher fines for violations of Russia's data protection law. The law, which was enacted in February 2017, imposes higher fines on businesses and corporate executives accused of data protection violations, such as unlawful processing of personal data, processing personal data without consent, and failure of data controllers to meet data protection requirements. Whereas previously fines were limited to 300 to 10,000 rubles ($5 to $169 USD), under the new law, available fines for data protection violations range from 15,000 to 75,000 rubles ($254 to $1,269 USD) for businesses and 3,000 to 20,000 rubles ($51 to $338 USD) for corporate executives.

Additionally, the law allows the Russian data protection authority (Roskomnadzor), to initiate administrative enforcement proceedings for alleged data protection violations. Previously, enforcement of the data protection law was undertaken by the Prosecutors’ Office.


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