Part 1: The Cybersecurity Threat Landscape
Time 1 Minute Read

In Part 1 of an S4x20 video on Cybersecurity Law and Governance, Lisa Sotto, Chair of Hunton Andrews Kurth’s Privacy and Cybersecurity practice, speaks to cyber risk as one of the top risk issues for senior executives in the current digital landscape.

Threat actors such as nation states, organized crime and hacktivists target systems through threat vectors such as phishing attacks to gain access to the “treasure trove of data” that companies maintain. Sotto explains how threat actors commonly use exploits such as cyber extortion, ransomware and doxing as a means of intimidating companies to give in to their demands. Given the fragmented nature of state and federal security laws, and myriad privacy rules, Sotto discusses how companies can help ensure compliance while keeping data safe from cyber criminals.

For more detail, watch Part 1.


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