Peru Adopts Personal Data Protection Law
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As reported in BNA’s Privacy Law Watch, on July 2, 2011, Peruvian President Alan García signed the Personal Data Protection Law (Ley de Protección de Datos Personales, Ley No. 29733), making Peru the latest Latin American country to adopt EU-style omnibus privacy legislation.  Implementing rules for the new law are to be drafted in the next few months.

According to BNA, the Peruvian President’s administration presented the legislation to Congress in July 2010 to comply with free-trade agreements the country had established with several countries, including the United States and Canada, and to ensure compliance with Peru’s forthcoming free-trade agreement with the European Union.

Notably, the Personal Data Protection Law establishes the National Personal Data Protection Authority within the Ministry of Justice, which will have the power to impose sanctions for violations of the law.

As we reported in a previous post, the Personal Data Protection Law passed the Congress of the Republic of Peru on June 7, 2011.


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