Union Election Win Rate Continues Upward In 2009 - 73% Win Rate Casts Further Doubt On Need For EFCA
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According to data from BNA PLUS, unions have won more than 73% of the elections in which they participated in the first half of 2009. This is up from 66% for the same time period in 2008. The Teamsters led the way by participating in 164 elections and winning 70% of them, while the SEIU was second, winning 75% of 44 elections.  Although the number of elections conducted by the NLRB thus far in 2009 is down from the number in 2008, the union's win rate in each year of this decade has been over 50% and getting better as the decade progresses. The numbers out today indicate that currently unions are overwhelmingly successful when employees are allowed to vote on the question of union representation. Opponents of the Employee Free Choice Act will question why Congress needs to eliminate the secret ballot for employees in order to help unions succeed when unions are obviously faring very well under the current system.


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